View Full Version : ARRGHHH!!!!

22-01-07, 14:36
Need a bit of help on this one folks . .

After trying trying loads of different anti-depressants and having a crappy time on them I decided that I would try and defeat my panic attacks and health anxiety with CBT and some relaxation - so for months on end I challenged my thoughts in a diary and did progressive muscle relaxation evry day and do you know what - I started to be what I considered to be "normal" - getting bakc to work and being successful, enjoying my marriage instead of being scared all the time(which I'm sure was never very attractive). I followed the ~"Healing with Freud or Przac" maxim that it is possible to heal oneself and Claire Weekes cetainly helped a lot.

But Last week I had a panic attack right out of the blue and although I got past and through it succesfully without hiding under the blankets I am having major issues with my heart - it feels as if it is flipping over and sometimes jerks me as if having an extra beat or missing one or something. Now I've read a few posts about ectopic beats - is this what I have? Cos sometimes they make me feel sick or as if I have been cattle prodded - when they happen I can't convince myself that something is about to go hideously wrong.

I'm severly Pi**ed off that after all my effort I am at the mercy of this beast again and terrified that something is wrong with me. I'm terrified of going to my GP cos he got fed up looking at me last year with all my aches and pains and never bothered checking me out - he always said "It's anxiety and panic".

I'm a teacher and I am on show all the time in my lessons and I'm finding it hard to hide these events . . . bugger there goes another one .. .


22-01-07, 14:44
Hi there
I too am having palpatations and have been since last week everyday they are doing my head in so i know where youre coming from. I havent got a solution but im trying kalms and rescue remedy also trying not to have too much caffine. I did go to the doc and am having a heart monitor for 24 hours but thats not till march!My doctor thinks its all due to stress and anxiety also having bloods done next week she took blood pressure and that was spot on. Hope your feeling better.
Take care

22-01-07, 19:17
Hi Mc

What has really helped me recently is the actual realisation and belief that there is actually nothing wrong with me. I have the same heart palpitations and extra beats and have had them for some months. If they haven't killed me yet, and the Doc says they won't, then they probably never will:D I think probably the feeling sick is purely the panic, people often actually throw up during stressful events, exams, driving tests, going on stage etc.

My serious panic attacks have gone (for the time being) and I've tried hard not to think about every ache, pain, twinge and discomfort that I suffer. The theory is, ignore it and it will go away. Unfortunately as it's taken three years to get into this state, it's not going to disappear over night :(

Don't do the "systems check" thing as soon as you wake up, and I know you do. Don't let the thoughts in and try to concentrate on the every day mundane things we all find boring normally, like doing housework, washing up etc, in other words make yourself busy and get on with life however boring it may be.

Good luck and good advise is always "it may never happen"



Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. JOHN WAYNE

22-01-07, 20:50

i also suffer heart palpatations and can feel my heart 'flipping'. I have had my heart checked a few times on a ECG and its always normal. The problem with anxiety and panic is even though the doctors say its fine you cant help but question it. I've suffered for nearly a year now and im still here. I used hypnotherapy to 'program' into me that i am physically fine.

It does get better

22-01-07, 21:16
i have had a baaaaad few weeks, put it down to SAD as its the 3rd year running that I have had a bad time in the winter.
Maybe its at the bottom of your relapse?

26-01-07, 11:50
THanks guys

I've managed over the last couple of days to get past the extra beats but just as I fell they are beginning to dwindle they have come back and I'm backin the "what is this?" mode and frantically going back to this site to read all the previous posts for a bit of reassurance.

Is anyone fed up of their body lying to them? - I logically think that "surely my body wouldn't be giving me these signal if there was no need" and so I pay attention to them - then I feel guilty cos I probably don't have the problems that people with serious illnesses suffer. Or maybe its all relative.

Anyhoo I'm going to ask for my money back - this body and brain have dents in them!! I'm still stuck with missed heartbeats though - I might have to brave the doc for a medical opinion - I has an ECG six weeks ago at a time when I had no extra or missed beats - so he'll probably not ask for that again . . . or maybe I should be more assertive?

Cheers anyhow - what did people do before the internet?

26-01-07, 12:02
hi there. I suffer from panic attacs rarely, but when i have had them i know how scary they can be. Well done though for trying CBT. I think thats what i need because iv tried all sorts of anti-depressants and tranquilisers to help me sleep, but i was affraid of becoming addicted to them so decided to come off them. I know what you mean about your GP. mine is exactly the same. He just thinks im nuts! Not sure about the trouble with your heart but if your really worried then i would see your GP and if your still not satified ask for a second opinion.
Can i just ask how you went about going to CBT. Did you do it through your GP or yourself?

Aly xx

a brady

Ma Larkin
26-01-07, 13:20
Hi MC, I agree with Chris, if they haven't harmed you yet, they never will & my GP has told me a million times that they won't harm me. I tell myself over & over again that there really is nothing wrong with me. I think it's such a worry because it's our heart & if that goes, well everything else goes!! This is where my fear comes from, I can cope with any other symptom but the heart ones. I went for CBT & told my assessor that I thought I was going to have a heart attack or there was something wrong with my heart & she said "Les, if there was anything wrong, you'd be dead by now". I was gobsmacked that she could be so blunt, but she's so right. The more you panic when you get the symptoms, the more you think about them. It's a vicious circle, so just tell them to bugger off & stop thinking they are going to hurt you because they aren't I promise.
