View Full Version : chest ache

25-04-15, 17:38
Does anyone else have a chest ache with anxiety that is felt in left arm and shoulder blade and sometimes in left collarbone right on shoulder joint. It feels achy almost crushing on times its getting me down im 31

Please help if you can

25-04-15, 18:54
hi. I have chest pain every single and done for over a year some days worse than others. im sat here now with them and pain in back, arms, head, feeling sick and dizzy. im thinking should I call ambulance but I have done that many times.

25-04-15, 18:55
Yes I do ..mine worries me too but have found a possible reason for it!

I am always on my lap top and googling ...I sit on my sofa doing this and have noticed I often hold my laptop in weird positions ..on my chest, hunched over it sometimes and sometimes resting on my left arm and ...this has caused a bit of muscular tension which caused me to panic... because I hold my self tense doing this...usually I am googling symptoms.

My verdict another HA thing ..I am trying to ignore the pain and it really is getting better..i even had some stabbing pains at times these made my anxiety spike. now I just except them and get on with it.

hope you can just try and let it just happen too,,,you will be fine x

25-04-15, 19:11
First of all can i say thankyou for your replies im so sorry you are both going through this its truly terrifying, i hope it eases for you soon, an i ask is your pain or ache made worse by getting stressed ie shouting or rushing around im so worried its angina or even worse doctors just dismiss me now, i am so worried im loosing sleep and scared to do anything. I have been to docs loads im terrified im going to leave my kids behind.

25-04-15, 19:51
I do notice mine when I am moving around, especially if rushing around and I must admit to thinking I have angina? I also have it when I am sitting down ... Have you had any tests to reassure yourself that all is ok?

You are a young person I doubt if there is anything wrong with your heart..I know its hard to get out of this way of thinking, how long have you felt this way? about your heart. x

25-04-15, 20:11
I do notice mine when I am moving around, especially if rushing around and I must admit to thinking I have angina? I also have it when I am sitting down ... Have you had any tests to reassure yourself that all is ok?

You are a young person I doubt if there is anything wrong with your heart..I know its hard to get out of this way of thinking, how long have you felt this way? about your heart. x

Thankyou i have felt this way for nearly two years, i collapsed shortly after my second child was born with burning central chest pain sweating etc and have been convinced i had a heart attack even though ambulance said it was panic attack, i have suffered chest pain ever since. Its now spreading to shoulder jaw and arm. I have had ecgs and blood test a chest xrag and echo satisfactory findings. But its satisfactory which has got me thjnking they havent told me something. I just terrified of death and the pain is real i just cant reassure myself that its nothing. My father died when i was 8 after a heart transplant he was 34 it scares me im going the same way. Sorry for long life story

25-04-15, 21:47
I really understand where you are coming from and its totally understandable you feel this way, it takes a lot of trust to believe its all down to anxiety and trust the doctors too.

I find it hard that the mind can do this to us, how can it cause this real pain? but it does and we have to believe that is what is happening.

You have had all the right tests and please believe me they would of found something and treated you ..you are healthy and well, you are not going to die.

Try just for a while letting yourself feel whatever pain you feel in your chest, and tell yourself its ok, I am fine ..I have done this for only 2 days and I feel a bit better I still have the pain but I am not letting it bother me the dr told me I am ok..i choose to believe him for a change instead of the warped anxiety , I too have had tests on my heart.

non HA people have not had all these ECG etc. yet they do not worry, but physically they are no different than us, they have hearts they have aches and pains...they just have no anxiety.

What does that tell you?....its anxiety nothing more...you have a healthy heart with anxiety. A non HA person could very well have a problem with their heart and not know it, they do not have all the tests but they are not worried at all. x