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25-04-15, 22:42
Hi All,

When waking in the morning I can Feel a Vibrating feeling inside and im really shaky and sometimes it comes with palpitations its really scary and its hard to stop it. Also I find when im just sitting Im shaking inside and have to move around to ease it then all the other anxiety symptoms start I just cant seem to relax even propanolol doesnt seem to stop it....Does anyione else have this its starting to worry me?

28-04-15, 20:47
Hi hun :D

When I was acute I had this A LOT, MINE was anxiety, a rush of adrenlin our bodys will shake to try and get rid of the adrenalin.

I felt scared too, but I came to understand that my fears were feeding my anxiety and because I feard it MORE symptoms of anxiety would follow.

I know how scary it is for you right now, but HUN, TRY not to worry, just let it happen, let it be there, give it YOUR permistion to be there, eccept it and over time, it WILL PASS.

I took advice from hear and tried to put a spin on the feeling I was having a more of a funny thought on it....

"It felt like my virating chair I have LOL :roflmao:
or I would just lay there and REALLY feel the shaking and think to myself Mmmm actually it feels quit nice LOL

Changing the way we think about a symptom CAN over time, help it go away..

There are vast aray of anxiety syptoms and for me, this was one of many..

Hope this has been of some help, even if its just knowing your not alone, there are lots of post about shaking/vibrating on this site.



28-04-15, 23:29
Hi I have the same shaky feelings. I also feel a bit off balance and light headed. Ive been to the drs so many times in the last two months and they say HA manifests in different ways so try to ignore it. Its so hard as it just feeds into my anxiety..really driving me mad!! Hope you feel better soon x

03-05-15, 16:54
On a few occasions I have awoken in the night with a weird shaking feeling and tight chest (usually when I have awoken quickly E. G from the children screaming with a nightmare). However, coincidentally, last night I was having a strange dream and my husband woke asking me if I was shaking or if the bed was shaking. I also felt the shaking around my chest and then I couldn't get back to sleep worrying about it, or if I was having some sort of fit, if he could feel it too?

I spoke to my husband in the morning and he said he wasn't sure if it was me or him shaking as he too was having a weird dream.

I'm putting it down to anxiety symptoms too as have had a stressful couple days as we went to our friend's funeral on Friday (she recently passed away at age 41 from breast cancer). Been very emotional.

I think accepting the shakes as another symptom is the way to go. I hope you all feel better soon.