View Full Version : feel like I'm going mad and lost control !!!!!

26-04-15, 10:31
So I'm 25 years old single mum about six weeks ago I had a full blown panic attack out of nowhere sitting watching television now I'm convinced I'm going too die not felt right since at first I thought it was a heart problem now I'm sure I have a blood clot painful aching leg even tho hospital done bloods and assured me I'm OK I can't sleep eat achy pins n needles tiredness headaches ear pains cramping light headed anxious and no one takes me serious in a n e most days but my leg really hurts my chest and back too when I breathe in it hurts I can't take hard breathes in and out so scared too sleep especially at night I can't cope I just want too live forever but I feel like I'm dying my body giving up constant fear and doctors just brush me off or make me wait long times when I feel like its wasting precious time ..... Help my vision bad and I hardly can hold a conversation with anyone anymore drift in and out of everything anyone else the same or am I dying??????????? I can't trust anyone

26-04-15, 10:35

You're not going mad. Take a moment to breathe slowly, calm yourself down and take in the advice from this forum. You are in the right place for sure,

Everything you have mentioned i've experienced with my anxiety. I've also been where you are, where i was convinced for 7 years there was something 'Wrong' despite tests showing otherwise. I had to accept it was anxiety symptoms and decide to take control of my life again before i could start to recover. I sympathize with how you're feeling, it really is a difficult thing to understand, but you can.

Here's a link from the home page, this explains panic attacks and the symptoms you are getting and why. It may help you understand some more

>> http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms

26-04-15, 10:45
I just don't understand why it hsppend I don't live in stress and have a good life OK no job lack of money but worse off people out there I've never had a panic attack before six weeks ago I was relaxing when it happened .... Watching some tv I can't relax no more tv for me no more living or being alone I loved being alone before now I have too be around family all the time I feel like a child I just want too feel OK and better I don't sleep because I'm scared I Won't wake up and my daughter will find me constant fear of my health and the in known all because of one major panic attack and about five other ones since people look at you and talk too you like crap family getting fed up with me disappearing into stupid hours ending up in a n e !!!!!

26-04-15, 10:49
You would benefit from understanding what anxiety is and how it works. You don't need to have had a particularly traumatic life to suffer from anxiety or panic attacks. Anyone can get this.

You can change it around, but it's a journey you must go through and want to get better, be willing to learn and make changes. There is a lot of information on this site in the articles on the home page, also many members with lots of experience i am sure they will reply to your thread. Unfortunately there isn't a pill that will make anxiety disappear.

Hope you get the advice you need, have you spoke to your GP about your anxiety/panic?

26-04-15, 10:56
Yeah I'm on sleeping tablets 2mg don't work .... Antibiotics for a water infection and busiprone 30g aday doesn't work don't take them .... Ment too help anxiety .. I go too therapy now stopped drinking caffeine and fizzy drinks .... Lost weight I'm talking five stone due too my reflux hatail herna apparently ..... I beg too differ too me my body shutting down I've tried everything so far I'm begging myself too get better I'm trying maybe not hard enough my family under pressure and my daughter suffering .... Thank you for the reply I'm thankful honest just confused and upset and worried for everyone

26-04-15, 10:59
It's ok i understand how hard it is and there's been enough times i've felt nothing will ever work and feared i would feel like this for ever. You are doing things and being active about it which is great but there will be setbacks and bad periods, i still get them but it's the way i'm reacting to them that's changed.
I hope you feel much better soon.

Is it Cognitive Behavioral Therapy you're having?

26-04-15, 11:02
I too get pain when take deep breaths i too think im dying all the time and it must be anxiety as like u i have been told im fine. Its awful feeling like this

26-04-15, 11:08
Soon as you mention you have anxiety too the doctors they brush you off .... And don't even routine check you they look at you crazy I feel hated being judged or feel like I'm sick in the head I have no idea a brake down maybe I'm experience???? WHO knows I just want my life back

---------- Post added at 10:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 ----------

No one on one I'm paying for it of course NHS don't do it ..... Just off loading my thsughts on some women who's sick of hearing my crap lol.... I'm going too try hypnosis I think next ..... I've Also had a spiritual reading done ..... Tarot cards .... And some relax Riki or whatever it is

26-04-15, 11:31
Hey there sorry your struggling at the moment it's horrible when we have our 1st panic attack it does feel like we're dieing. But the feelings will pass I sent you a private message hope it helps x