View Full Version : Horrible ear ringing

26-04-15, 10:37
Severe ear ringing.. I can't tell if it's one ear both. I feel like it alternates.. So bad at night. Adds to my insomnia and my nocturnal panic.. Any advice? And I've been to two ear nose and throat doctors and two nuerologust and no answer

26-04-15, 11:11

Could it be Tinnitus? Quite common on this forum. Also a symptom of anxiety,

In your Ears, Ringing

What you feel:

You hear a ringing or low rumbling in one or both ears. And when things are quiet, these sounds are a lot louder. You may also experience something like a plugged ear or fullness in one or both ears. The condition seems to come and go, however, when it comes it may last a long time. Sometimes, it only affects only one ear, and the same one over and over again.

Muscles become taut straining , can temporarily affect the balance architecture within the ear leading to further dizziness.

What causes this:

The ear is a very complex organ and is made up of a very complex system of nerves, muscles and bones. These are all intricately related to provide sound and balance information to the brain. While the exact cause of this symptom is unknown, it is quite common.

26-04-15, 11:36
Well, I had a MRI without contrast and they found nothing my insurance didn't cover the with contrast though and my hearing test I passed twice. I guess that's what it is.. But it's more of a RING like when you listen to music loud for a long time type of ring and they pop sometimes and the ringing follows the pop. Always feel full and congested but it's such a bothersome symptom and it drives me nuts so I don't know what to do

26-04-15, 12:47
I have it too and it's really bothering me the last few weeks. Unfortunately there's no cure for tinnitus. I put an air filter on at night so there's a constant background noise.

27-04-15, 23:16
Hi there,

I have tinnitus and have done for quite a few years now. I remember how annoying it was when it first came on but now I hardly notice it.

It does make sleeping a little harder if there's very little background noise so you could try playing some music or relaxing sounds until you get used to the tinnitus. It could go away as your anxiety improves, too, but my advice would be to try not up focus on it or invest time/energy looking for treatment- just try and ignore it as best you can. It'll get easier as the days go by.

Take care :)

08-11-15, 10:00
Hi do you still have the ringing and is it bothering you?


08-11-15, 10:15
I got tinnitus after taking quetiapine ,I've had it three years and learnt to put up with it
There is no cure

10-11-15, 04:20
I am 61 and had it since I was 18 , it got really bad when I was 30 until now. Advice from a dozen doctors ,ent's and some surgeons .. ignore it and your mind will eventually tune it out. Funny story William Shatner (Captain Kirk) Star Trek has it so bad that he has had to leave the set of Star Trek the series , the movies and real life events. He had a special device made for him that he puts in his ear and it masks the noises so he doesn't go crazy. Mine, I have been fortunate as my ENT says.. I am lucky that is isn't constant that mine comes and goes.. But mostly is with me all the time. Good luck to you and hope you learn to ignore it.. its really all that can be done pretty much and hope it goes away one day ....as quickly as it appeared.

10-11-15, 06:55
How did you develop your ear ringing mnaha??

11-11-15, 06:15
I think from swimming at very deeps depths and noise damage . As I got older probably from sinus issues and possible blood vessel issues . I was also told that the tubes in my ears were not opening and closing properly . We lived at a very high altitude for five years and during that time my heartbeat was almost deafening most of the time. When we moved it subsided to where I can now only hear it when my neck shifts in a certain way .

11-11-15, 17:30
I always thought altitude had something to do with it. I'm in Wales with work at the moment and we have been working at a really high altitude and it's seems like it's more prominent. You learn something new everyday :)