View Full Version : Does anyone else's general anxiety/panic attacks get worse after a good day?

26-04-15, 12:19
This might sound weird as good days are meant to perk you up. Yesterday I had a great day both in terms of enjoyment and low anxiety levels. I managed to go into town for the first time in over a year and it was jam packed because it was a sunny day and I managed to go around the shops and stayed for an hour and a half and took no panics. I was over the moon and it made me feel so proud and like the old me.

I still have that proud feeling but also have noticed my anxiety in general has increased a little since I got back home. I have noticed that whenever I have a good day or good few days or weeks, my anxiety increases a little. Maybe it's because I'm worried it won't last or days won't always be this easy or something. I don't know for sure.

Does anyone feel like this after a good period? I've also noticed I feel on edge if I start to feel good or calm! I must have been that hyped up and anxious for so long that its alien to my body to feel anything different!

26-04-15, 12:39
Yes, I tend to find my worst blips follow periods of time when I'm really happy, especially if I start telling people (including myself) that things are going well. It's funny you bring this up as I have just realised how often I do this, and I am literally making notes to bring it up in therapy.

26-04-15, 13:03
I think recovery is all about good days and bad days, and accepting that the latter will still happen, on occasion. My anxiety is better, but has been present during the last couple of mornings although nowhere near as bad as it's been in previous weeks. Definitely more manageable.

That said, I am fretting about a couple of things at the moment (one being money) that doesn't help.

26-04-15, 13:33
Claire Weekes was right about many things, not least the following: It's the CONTRAST between how we feel when we're anxious and when we're not anxious that makes recovery seem such bliss and blips feel so bad.

26-04-15, 14:35
I can get this when having a good day with anxiety especially when I go to bed and have no more distractions.
It sometimes feels like being Bi-polar with highs and lows(just a thought)

Take Care

26-04-15, 16:39
Glad to see I'm not the only who feels like this after a good period. Was starting to think I was! You strive to feel better and have good days but then you end up feeling more anxious after them. You can't win with anxiety!

26-04-15, 16:56
You've got a cat stuck up your nose :)

26-04-15, 22:47
I'm glad you mentioned this as I had a little cry tonight about the same thing. Was starting to feel much better then...bang...good old anxiety back with a vengeance! Got a bit fed up and overwhelmed for a bit but accept there is often a two steps forward one step back on the road to recovery. I also feel strange almost weird when I am calm. I've recently started guided mindful meditation and its most noticeable afterwards to the point it feels really weird. I have been tense for so long I've forgotton what being relaxed is like! x

27-04-15, 04:53
Claire Weekes was right about many things, not least the following: It's the CONTRAST between how we feel when we're anxious and when we're not anxious that makes recovery seem such bliss and blips feel so bad.

Yeah, I agree with that.

When the blips come we fear that we are tumbling back to the worst stages and have a tendency to ignore the real evidence. They just feel a harsh drop and we start to catastrophize and worry about never recovering.

I've found these blips get shorter and less intense the further you recover.

Our core beliefs can even change so we expect to be always anxious then find the good days weird/alien. I've always thought this is because you have become a long term sufferer so have retrained yourself to expect it. I've also found thhat the better days are more easily accepted & embraced as you get more used to having them. Don't question them because you just bring the anxiety back again.

27-04-15, 07:20
Cats do that Lol

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ----------

There is also the fact you do more and get tired on good days so are more open to anxiety. I very very seldom get blips.

27-04-15, 10:44
I'm glad you mentioned this as I had a little cry tonight about the same thing. Was starting to feel much better then...bang...good old anxiety back with a vengeance! Got a bit fed up and overwhelmed for a bit but accept there is often a two steps forward one step back on the road to recovery. I also feel strange almost weird when I am calm. I've recently started guided mindful meditation and its most noticeable afterwards to the point it feels really weird. I have been tense for so long I've forgotton what being relaxed is like! x

Hope you are feeling a bit better now. A good cry always helps me. I cry out of frustration with anxiety all the time. I've just started hypnotherapy with my counsellor and its very relaxing and at the end of it, I end up panicking because I feel too relaxed! Xx

27-04-15, 10:52
There is also the fact you do more and get tired on good days so are more open to anxiety. I very very seldom get blips.

Very good point, Davit.

I was skimming through a book on bi polar a couple of years ago called Mood Mapping and this was mentioned a lot. This was written by a doctor who was bi polar and she advocated managing what was seen as 4 states, 2 bad, 2 good. She stated that your should manage your better states so that you don't overdo it and bring the bad states back to early.

I found that quite interesting and wondering how much could work for us aith anxiety & unipolar depression.

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

Hope you are feeling a bit better now. A good cry always helps me. I cry out of frustration with anxiety all the time. I've just started hypnotherapy with my counsellor and its very relaxing and at the end of it, I end up panicking because I feel too relaxed! Xx

Thats like you are doing some mental checking and bring it back again. This happens at first, with time you will change away from that.

27-04-15, 15:42
Today I went out only for 15 mins to put money in the bank and I panicked so much because I felt sick (I have an UTI so that probably caused it) and even though I still managed out, usually I would be kicking myself for not being able to do as much as I done the other day there and put this down as a setback and force myself to build up, but I've just been more like "meh stuff it, we all have off days. Its no set back at all" and actually feel quite cheery.

I've noticed I only get panic attacks now if I feel sick mainly as opposed to getting them what felt like constantly. I still get them out the blue now and again but 99% of the time its because I feel even the slightest hint of nausea as I have suffered with extreme emetophobia all my life. Hoping more sessions of hypnotherapy will help with that.

27-04-15, 16:53
See, this is why I need to unplug my thumb from my anus and get writing that recovery guide.

Feeling better brings a unique set of challenges, and it makes blips seem worse when they strike.

27-04-15, 20:32
I'm going through a ropey few days at the moment, NoPoet, but it's part of the recovery (which my GP agreed with today) Good days will come again and we've just got to bear that in mind. :)

27-04-15, 20:42
My local B&Q just called, I have been offered a job interview on Friday. Just hope my nerves will be ok on the day!

28-04-15, 06:29
Loving the Capt Kirk avi, Gingerfish!

Its good that you are learning not to be too hard on yourself.

Good luck at the job interview.

02-05-15, 16:05
I didn't get the job. I'm ok with that though, at least I tried.

That's a week now since I managed to go into town and ever since, I haven't had a panic attack at all. If I felt one coming on, I just sit and close my eyes for a minute and breathe and that has seemed to stop it all. I also had a bad attack of vertigo the other day there and usually that makes my anxiety worse and makes me not leave the house because I'm scared of falling in public because of it like I have before but 20 mins after the attack of vertigo, I ended up going outside for a walk and felt fine and forgot it happened. I'm hoping this is me on the right path now. Only time will tell. I'm cautiously optimistic

03-05-15, 04:31

What are you doing different that you didn't do before. Other than being more positive.

03-05-15, 10:04
Going through a bit of a blip myself, anxiety wise. Not sure if there is a trigger as such - just trying to remember that it's part of the recovery process and that I will have a good day again soon.

03-05-15, 10:48

What are you doing different that you didn't do before. Other than being more positive.

Tbh other than being more positive, I can't really put my finger on what I've done that's helping. It feels like something has just clicked. I've noticed I'm not thinking of anxiety 24/7 any more or dreading going out or doing things so maybe that has helped too but I can't put my finger on how I stopped that.

03-05-15, 11:52
Mine does- my answer to original question.
From peace and happines to hell. Like there is demon inside my head pulling the strings.
Its not only anxiety that comes with it, but rather the whole nature of life becomes horrible and meaningless.

14-05-15, 08:59
Didn't think my good phase would last too long. I got ill with a cold or bug and ever since then my anxiety has been back through the roof. I don' feel back at square one like I usually do after a set back, just a little deflated.

14-05-15, 18:04
I think a physical illness can bring a return of symptoms, GingerFish. It's good that you are mindful of that, and it should help. :)

15-05-15, 10:58
Quite proud of myself. I walked into town today myself and walked about the shops myself for about 40 mins and then ran into my mum and went a big walk with her. In the past I couldn't even go into town for five mins with someone, let alone go in myself. I made my mum wait in the queue and I stood outside in one shop, kinda bummed I didn't wait but overall still very proud considering I have had a few days days again lately.

30-05-15, 19:54
I just had two fairly good days and today is hell. Anxiety worse than ever! No reason but hey ho, trying not to dwell on it too much but it has peed me off! boo 10 weeks on the happy pills and was hoping to feel happy!

30-05-15, 21:38
It is all in my posts why your brain does this, why positive works, why a simple thing like a cold can give you panic. Because Therapists find this information too technical for the average person they don't tell you. They just say think positive because that works but if you want to know then read the posts in the panic forum. You are missing out on a simple route to a cure.

01-06-15, 18:02
I just had two fairly good days and today is hell. Anxiety worse than ever! No reason but hey ho, trying not to dwell on it too much but it has peed me off! boo 10 weeks on the happy pills and was hoping to feel happy!

Hope you're feeling better now :hugs: