View Full Version : Things Mounting Up.

26-04-15, 14:13
I have not posted on NMP for a while only some replies. I have been having a bad time over the last couple of months and it is starting to get to me now and my anxiety levels are building and I am feeling crap especially in the mornings.

I have been having trouble on EBay with a buyer demanding a refund and becoming quite aggressive with his messages and now one buyer who won't pay I only used eBay to make a little extra money not to have this stress.

I am having money troubles as I am unemployed and have to sell my car next week after its MOT which I am not looking forward to.
My mother went on holiday over a week ago and hasn't contacted me since I think she Is tired of my anxiety issues and wants a break even though I listen to hers and deal with her alcohol problems, she does lend me money sometimes but can be guilty of ignoring problems and hoping they go away, I do care for her but a phone call now and again would be nice.

GP seems to think I am ok and said I should take up jogging and keep taking my medication (citalopram and propanol).
I have done counselling before and CBT but they only work short term and the counselling just goes round in circles I just don't think I am disciplined and open minded enough.
Sorry for going on I now these things resolve themselves eventually but I am mentally exhausted with money troubles, employment trouble and family.

I get stressed out with seemingly trivial things and wonder how I am going to work again when I struggle with the basics.
To top it all I broke a tooth last week and have to go to the dentist :mad:

26-04-15, 15:21
eBay issues- yuk. That would get right on my nerves so I can totally understand you saying it bothers you.
Trade with people who want to trade. There are a lot of good traders about. The bad traders aren't worth worrying or wasting energy on. I know it is annoying but after a couple of pre-arranged steps I'd drop troublemakers and look forward. Report them, whatever, move on and forget. Be happy that you have the choice to do that. That's if it's financially possible for you to do that of course.

Your mum would annoy me too. I went on holiday recently and my mum stopped replying for whatever reason and I had a little moan at her too. Nevermind, the world will keep turning.

Can you not find a way to step back for a short while ? Go walking, camping, swimming, take a look at what you've achieved in the last months/year. See the upward trajectory, plan the next part of the journey.

What positive can 2015 bring ?
Expand your business somehow ?

Take stock of where you are at this moment. Not perfect but it's a place on which to build. How you can you improve in each area in 2015 ?

Make sure you get some good rest. Things can look brighter when you have had good rest and a small window to reflect. And of course find a way to drop those bad traders in the bin and leave them behind you as soon as poss.

26-04-15, 16:35
Yes thanks for the reply I think things got on top of me last week on top of money issues.
I have been working on my car this morning which I quite enjoy and I walked 5 miles yesterday to clear my head.
I just need to get things into perspective and move forward .
I am not very good with confrontation with family or troublesome eBay buyers.
It will all work out one problem at a time one day at a time .