View Full Version : not in a good way

27-04-15, 00:13
Can't stop counting my pulse bad way feel weak

27-04-15, 06:16
I used to fo this too. I even had an excel spreadsheet made at one point. The problem us its a useless activity. All you can notice in your pulse is an irregularity, fast pules and slow pules. If any of these things were more than just you heart working perfectly fine yet fluctuating in day to day life as it normally does in order to keep your body working well, you would know about it before you could feel it accurately with your pulse. Listen to your body and acknowledge if you feel unwell but monitoring in this way is adding to your anxiety as you are only waiting for something bad to happen. Think about it, your pulse has been fine so far, right? Why would it change do suddenly? The heart is very strong and (I know it is hard) really try and distract your attention. Distract yourself for the time being and see that not checking your pulse doesn't cause anything terrible to happen; quite the contrary you'll probably feel better!