View Full Version : Sure something is very wrong.

27-04-15, 04:42
Hey all
Looking for some advice. So for about a year I was on a hardcore drugs binge, mostly ecstasy. One night out I took way too much but was fine at the time. But a few days later I started getting heart PVCs, I had a month of feeling shitty and having PVCs and horrific panic attacks sending me to ER (heart rate would be over 160bpm) all the time. In general I was never even a slightly anxious person, I was the guy that didn't revise in school, cruised through life and felt invincible and now I felt like the drugs had totally ****ed my brain, I had absolutely zero power over these panic attacks with my conscious thoughts, of that I am absolutely sure.

I slowly got better and a cardiologist cleared me but then set in about 3 months of severe derealization and insane muscle twitching. I also started to get insane pressure in my nose and right eye.

It's now 14 months later, I don't have panic attacks, the PVCs are very mild. I have a good handle on anxiety and generally feel like myself 90% of the time. But I'm very concerned about muscle twitching still, it is ALL the time. I've timed on average roughly one big obvious twitch every 5 seconds. This plagues me all day every day. I also still suffer from the insane pressure and my eye on the same side has been twitching absolutely non-stop for 5 months now, its twitching more often that not! I also have kind of tiny attacks of derealization, confusion and odd feelings coming on very suddenly and lasting maybe 5 minutes, I swear to god these must be seizures.

Doctors have run basic tests but won't offer anymore help than saying it's purely anxiety! I am worried about so much more:
- Brain tumor, what if drugs had nothing to do with it and I have a tumor behind my eye and am having seizures?
- Multiple sclerosis, maybe drugs triggered MS, I already had IBS so why isnt that a possibility?
- Undetectable brain damage, I don't actually believe this is whats going on though.

Any advice is really appreciated. I am getting on with life right now but I feel like it is barely tolerable right now and if I knew this was a permanent state I would probably off myself.

27-04-15, 06:23
If after 14 months your condition has remained the same you can guarantee you do not have any of these things. Medical intervention would be necessary after only a few months as your condition would have deteriorated to the point of you being hospitalized, unable to function. I know its hard but if the doctors say you're ok, get a second and at most third opinion, but you have to trust them at some point.