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View Full Version : symptoms of ovarian cancer going out of mind please help

27-04-15, 07:10
I have really bad gas ,bloating, pelvic cramps the pelvic area feels like i have a uti pressure i cannot be comfortable , i also have pain going into leg all symptoms of oc. I had a pelvic and abdominal ultrasound last april which was clear and i had a pap smear in august clear. If it was clear then would a cancer have grown in that time to cause these symtoms?

---------- Post added at 06:10 ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 ----------


27-04-15, 09:00
Im sure u will be fine i dont think it would have missed withthe tests you have had. Have you talked to your dr?

27-04-15, 09:23
thank you, i haven't been to dr this time because dr usual never takes me serious

27-04-15, 10:45
I doubt if you've had an ultrasound and a pap that things wud of grown in this time hun just PPP to a different doc and reassure yaself x

27-04-15, 11:48
Thank you i feel a lot more relaxed now

29-04-15, 03:51
i'm really worried i still feel same way it feels like a uti mixed with gas from belly button down pressure and i'm scared anyone is this what i fear

---------- Post added at 02:51 ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 ----------

anyone have similiar symptoms and were ok

30-04-15, 03:54
I know exactly what you are going through because I am going through the same thing right now. But I am pretty sure it is anxiety. I have to keep resisting the urge to go to the ER to get an ultrasound because it's in the back of my mind. To make a long story short this isn't the first time I have gone through this kind of pain. I am almost 40 now but I used to go to the ER back when I was in my 20's for the same symptoms...
frequent urination,
pain in my upper legs,
lower back pain,
stomach pain.

Sometimes it would in fact be a uti and others it would be nothing. However now I believe that it is partially hormonal and partially anxiety. I think that I put all of my anxiety in my lower abdomen and as a result it agitates my bowel and bladder. I, too had an utrasound 2 years ago. I think it's because it's been that long that I should have another.
My point is, that as much as you are worried look to see if you have a pattern of behaviour. I have been suffering from the same symptoms periodically over the years and now they have calmed down a bit. It just seems a bit worse in the mornings or before bed because that is where my mind is. If you have had all of the tests maybe you should talk to your dr. about your concerns, I have with my dr. and luckily she has sat me down and explained in detail about some of my worries and it has helped me. I still have pain but it's nowhere near as bad as when I was in full blown panic mode. I'm sorry you are going through this. I would not wish this worry on anyone.

20-07-15, 08:23
Hi scaredgirl86, I was just wondering if your situation is better now? I've been suffering with the small symptoms. It all started about two months ago when I had a virus. It wasn't really a cold, just in my sinuses. It made me feel really disorientated and I was convinced it was ms. When I started to feel better, I noticed that my stools were paler than usual. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about and so I felt a bit better. That was until I had hemmerhoids for the first time in my life. I'm only 29. I was terrified. I went back to the doctor and she examined my abdomen and said I seemed stressed. I felt like I was getting better and then I suddenly started needing to urinate more often. I'm convinced I have ovarian cancer now. I can't function. I cry every day because of the fear. I've booked another appointment to see the doctor this week but I'm just scared she's going to tell me it's anxiety. That won't be enough for me. Does anyone know. How much an ultrasound costs. I'm willing to pay for one because I just feel like I'm in limbo at the moment! Any advice is much appreciated. I'm getting married in August and I feel like I can't enjoy it at all because I'm worrying so much.

20-07-15, 21:58
I had a private ultrasound for £99 last week, that seems to be the usual price! Got mine through ultrasound direct which have a few clinics in the UK
If you google private ultrasound and then your area a lot of the sites have prices!

Hi scaredgirl86, I was just wondering if your situation is better now? I've been suffering with the small symptoms. It all started about two months ago when I had a virus. It wasn't really a cold, just in my sinuses. It made me feel really disorientated and I was convinced it was ms. When I started to feel better, I noticed that my stools were paler than usual. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about and so I felt a bit better. That was until I had hemmerhoids for the first time in my life. I'm only 29. I was terrified. I went back to the doctor and she examined my abdomen and said I seemed stressed. I felt like I was getting better and then I suddenly started needing to urinate more often. I'm convinced I have ovarian cancer now. I can't function. I cry every day because of the fear. I've booked another appointment to see the doctor this week but I'm just scared she's going to tell me it's anxiety. That won't be enough for me. Does anyone know. How much an ultrasound costs. I'm willing to pay for one because I just feel like I'm in limbo at the moment! Any advice is much appreciated. I'm getting married in August and I feel like I can't enjoy it at all because I'm worrying so much.

21-07-15, 22:53
It could very well be a small benign cyst- most women get them and don't even realize it. I have PCOS, so there are times when I feel like someone has literally shot my ovary if it has burst or is inflamed. But just because you have a cyst doesn't mean you have PCOS. They are very common and usually nothing to worry about...more just a pain :)

22-07-15, 10:00
Thanks, both. I've seen four doctors at my surgery now
The last one was absolutely fantastic. She was really sympathetic and said she thought it was ibs but wanted to make sure she'd ruled everything out. She asked me what I was worried about and ordered about four blood tests. She spent a while examining my abdomen and said she couldn't feel anything. I think I'd like a scan though just to make sure. I came out feeling much better but even then I still just seem to be in a heightened sense of anxiousness. Every little thought sends a wave through my stomach. I just want to feel normal again :(

22-07-15, 11:16
I totally understand you desire for a scan to put your mind at rest but I know that once you have been reassured about this disease then your mind will suddenly fixate on another symptom that could be another fatal disease. I know this because I have spent past 40 odd years doing this!!

Do you know what blood tests your Dr has done? Can you go back to this Dr that was sympathetic for the results and ask her for a management plan for your worry? She may be able to tell you from the blood test result that you do not have any marker for ovarian cancer in which case you can be very reassured by this or she may agree that having a scan would help you in the short term. Be honest with her.

I have improved alot once I found that having a plan in place to follow with Drs agreement calmed me down mostly!

23-07-15, 08:11
Thanks Countrygirl. She ordered the Ca125? Test and a Chron's test I think along with a coeliac test and some other inflammation marker. You're right though, I probably will fixate on something else because this all started when I thought I had Ms. Needless to say, the symptoms that sparked my worry have since disappeared! How do you manage your health anxiety now? Have you had any cbt/hypnotherapy or anything. I want to start trying for a baby after the wedding and I know it won't happen if I'm in this state!

---------- Post added at 08:11 ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 ----------

Also, I think it's really helping talking on here. A lot of people just laugh and say 'don't be stupid.' At least I don't have to continue to bottle everything up so thank you for the support.

29-07-15, 23:28
Hi all, I've had the results of the Ca125 test and it was normal. I'm happy about that -ish. The problem is, when u started googling, I read that it was quite an unreliable test which is making me question it a little. I am feeling better though, and my tummy isn't as bad as it was last week. In fact it's been quite normal and the frequent urge to urinate disappeared after I saw the doctor. Problem is I've had a bit of chest pain this week and a lump in the throat sort of feeling that comes and goes. I'm not looking on Google and I desperately don't want to go back to the doctor with yet another complaint. What should I do? Any advice would be gratefully received.

29-07-15, 23:37
Hello el86,

I'm glad that your results came back as normal. :) With your results being normal, your anxiety will latch on to the next thing it can, in your case, the unreliability of the test. I did the exact same thing when my results came back without abnormalities. I'm not saying this is unusual, it's very common with our condition but you have to understand that it will keep finding the next thing and the next thing.

You will start to notice that certain symptoms that you overlook will go as quickly as they arrived and will be replaced by something else like the lump in the throat/chest pain etc.

I'm fairly certain that these are all physical symptoms of your anxiety and once you start to reduce your anxiety levels over time, these physical sensations will start to decrease.

However, if you really are concerned, going to the Doctor again will not be an issue. They are there to help. I know firsthand because I visited my GP countless times.

Good luck. :)

24-08-15, 11:49
These symptoms sound a lot like the symptoms I am having. I have IBS too but this seems different from what I have had before. the pain is quite mild really and low down, a bit like period pains. Also urinating a lot and feels like pushing down and pressure down below. I could live with it if I knew it was nothing sinister but I'm really terrified it is. Any update would be appreciated. Thanks.