View Full Version : Not Happy!

06-09-04, 02:24

Not happy! up at silly hour again, cant sleep for worrying. Keep getting the chest pains and now one that feels like its just under my rib cage on the right kinda like a stitch (is that anxiety?). Done dead well for 3 days I think mostly to do with the help from this forum, but its got hold of me again. It almost always seems to be at night now. Anyone got any tips on how to get a good nights sleep witout any anxiety?


06-09-04, 05:31

By my post you will see that sleep is hard.

Its a case of trying to clear your mind before you go to bed and making yourself feel relaxed.

Before bed take time for you and try and chill,have a warm drink etc.

You will get through this and even if so tired your sleep will regain its pattern it just takes time.

Go to bed at same time every night and get into a routine, will take time but eventually your body will say head says sleep so it must be time.

Love Sal xxxxx

06-09-04, 09:28
My sleep routine is pretty rubbish at the moment, so I'm doing all the usual things. I also find it really helpful to keep a tissue with lavender and geranium essential oils on next to my bed. If I wake up feeling anxious I grab that and breathe the scent in. It really helps to calm me down, and then usually off to sleep again.

06-09-04, 09:36
Hi I found a good web site the other day for relaxation have a look at this http://www.painforum.com/en/1/stressheadache.html, I have been using this for a few days and it has worked for me and I gave it to a few people in chat last nite. Also the aromatherapy oil Ylang Ylang is wonderful and will relax you, pop dowm to the health shop and get yourself an oil burner and the oil and try both tonite. Hope this helps you Tara xx