View Full Version : Light headiness

27-04-15, 15:02
Past few days I've been feeling fairly light headed, it doesn't seem to be going away and i'm getting extremely worried as my eye sight is also playing up, everything goes out of focus really easily and I need to really concentrate to not see double most of the time

28-04-15, 06:05
This is my most prominent anxiety symptom. I've had it for years. Some days I don't have it at all and other days it's almost debilitating. It makes me nervous to drive, but once I'm out there and not thinking about it so much, it gets better. I completely understand how troublesome it is!

28-04-15, 09:46
By far my worst anxiety symptom, coupled with vertigo. Makes me afraid to excercising in case I pass out. There's been times I've had to pull over and sleep in my car until it passes. I've had to leave work multiple time having worked in a retail environment. Nightmare bud hope it passes.

01-05-15, 15:48
Doc prescribed me with Prochloperizine for the dizzyness and vertigo.. worked wonders! just a thought! May be worth asking.. Good luck. x

01-05-15, 16:20
Yep! It was my worst symptom too. Went on for weeks. I was trying to balance and concentrate so much that I also ended up with horrendous headaches. HA nightmare! My doctor did suggest I may have an inner ear blockage & I was prescribed Stemitol (not sure that's spelt right!!) & it did work a little but I found that as time went on & I became less anxious, the symptoms faded. Hope you feel better soon. I sympathise!!! xx

01-05-15, 18:45
Is dizziness your only symptom? Are you over tired or getting enough food and drink? Have you been sat inside at a computer?

07-05-15, 06:04
Hi, I'm going through something similar. Dizziness, vertigo and it feels like I'm drunk! It makes me very nauseous and it's actually made me be sick. Doc has said she thinks it's DPPV. A middle ear thing. Not life threatening but horrible feeling. I've been given exercises to do to help move the fluid in my middle ear plus a prescription of Stemetil for the nausea.

07-05-15, 09:29
Leah it have the exact same thing as you however not been diagnosed- I got given an antibiotic to see if it stems from an ear infection cause my ears looked a bit red the other day. How often would you feel like this? Some days I'm petrified I'm just gonna faint.