View Full Version : Blood tests- please help I'm really worried!

27-04-15, 15:29
Hi everyone!

I'm really worried at the moment - I wasn't feeling very well and kept getting tired and other symptoms so I went to the doctors he requested a blood test. When the results came back I was told he didn't say anything about them but wants them done again in 2 weeks. I have been for that one and my results are back and the receptionist said again he hasn't said anything about them but wants them done again in 4 weeks.
I am really worried they have found something really bad but don't want to tell me anything until they are totally sure! Has anyone else has this happen?
Any ideas as to why he keeps requesting it done again?
I do have an appointment in 5 days but I'm going to be worried sick until then.


27-04-15, 17:05
If it was really serious they would not be leaving it believe me. There are alot of results that can alter over time for example your white blood cells can be borderline high or low for all sorts of innocent reasons and retaking the tests shows if things are improving/getting worse.
Same for liver function tests.

You could ring your Drs and ask for your results as in what bloods and which one/s was out of normal range.

27-04-15, 18:43
If the tests are getting further apart then what ever it is is probably fixing itself.

27-04-15, 21:59
Thank you both for your replies!
Yeah now I think about it im sure the first time my white blood cells were reading higher. so maybe he is just keeping an eye on it.

It's just my worry telling me it's something serious and he's wantinf to make sure about something before he tells me.

Thank you again for you replies!