View Full Version : Going through a terrible time

27-04-15, 16:37
Anxiety is through the roof at the moment :(

I have just been diagnosed with extremely low vitamin D levels and in a way Ii am relieved as this explains many of my symptoms, awful anxiety, an element of depression, random aches and pains, muscle weakness, overwhelming tiredness, feeling generally unwell. And reactive hypoglycaemia, I thought this was just going to be something I was going to have to live with, but I have found out that there is a link between blood sugar issues and vit D deficiency. These symptoms have been coming on gradually for a couple of years now but have increased in severity recently. I was getting very fed up of being fobbed off by the GP. but he ran some blood tests on me and that is when the Vit D deficiency was revealed.

I am now on a course of high-dose vitamin D tablets for the next twelve weeks.

I am annoyed it wasn't discovered sooner as I have had one health problem after another for some time now, all of which can be explained by this!!

Still it doesnt stop me worrying, I keep getting terrified that the doctors have missed some awful disease/lymphoma/cancer, even though lately I have had a LOT of tests. This includes a long day spent in hospital last week as I was taken in by ambulance suffering with terrible weakness in one of my arms (but strongly believe the vit D is to blame), it was a horrible experience. I had blood tests, ECG, observations (pulse, BP, temp), a CT scan on my head and a carotid doppler (an ultrasound scan on the arteries in my neck), due to having weakness, they were obliged to rule out a stroke, to be honest I wasnt worried about this, but they had to do the tests just to make sure.

I am just so scared they are missing something terrible :(

27-04-15, 18:52
Did you have calcium checked. You can not absorb calcium without vitamin D.
Low calcium interferes with how neurotransmitters work and gives you weak sore muscles. Low calcium increases anxiety because Seratonin allows to much information across the synapses. People with anxiety disorders need more calcium than recommended. Calcium supplements do not cause kidney stones.

27-04-15, 19:38
Iv had bone profile checked mines come back low calcium too and i too am on vit d for 3 months then another blood test. I dont think its ought too serious x

30-04-15, 20:25
hi im the same , low vit D and calcium , iv spent weeks and weks goign back and forth to the doctors , thinking i was going mad , and now at last i have an answer why iv been feeling so utterly awful all of what you have said , im collecting some tablets tomorrow , vit D and calcium , was told quite common ..

01-05-15, 02:23
Hi my names ryan and im a 34yr old male I have had 2 blood tests and both have come back with very low vit d and bone mineral my anxiety is through the roof with sore muscles and bones I know how it feels I was so stressed thinking I have bone cancer or something just as bad.xx

01-05-15, 03:52
I too have low vitamin d. It is common with anxiety and depression. They also discovered an autoimmune thyroid disease because I was trying to find out why I was having the anxiety and was convinced something was terribly wrong. Honestly finding out didn't make me feel better. At first maybe but now I stress about it more and more. I kinda wish I wouldn't have kept digging because I still feel like crap.