View Full Version : Doctors???

22-01-07, 21:34
What have been the best source of help and advice for you, and how do you find the doctors understanding / advice??

It does get better

22-01-07, 22:04
thats two questions! and I can't vote for both:D

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

22-01-07, 23:35
Well thats a bit difficult 1.
As this forum has helped me humensly and some CBT has helped. Personally i prefer the self help guide etc. If you are willing to help yourself whatever the circumstance it will work out better.. [^]
Doctors can help to some degree, but they have never been in ant of our situations so they can only give advice to what they think would work?!
But of course, the more help the better..
(If that makes any sense?)


24-01-07, 13:29
The online Forums, such as NMP have been the most help for me. Personally speaking, GP's are generally superb at their jobs, but there is only so much information one person can store. We all know GP's just search their computer for answers, but the key is sifting through all the non relevant info.

GP's have a better understanding of physical complaints, and a basic knowledge of some Mental Health issues. Obviously they should refer you to a Mental Health specialist who will be better trained to helping with your complaint.

Forums are fantastic. They offer real-life scenarios which you can relate to. More often than not, knowing your not an out-cast is a great comfort in itself. Thats something a Doctor cannot provide.

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26-01-07, 19:59
I've only just joined but have found this site and the forums to be the most helpful. The problems with other things are
1. My family and friends don't understand it and get aggrevated about the subject.
2. I can't receive good treatment from the psychologists, etc. because of NHS waiting lists.
3. The worst of the lot, my GP who is one of the best doctors I've ever met is retiring. He's currently only working part-time, so it's difficult to get a decent appointment with him, as everyone seems to want to see him at the same time.