View Full Version : Hand briefly paralyzed? Is this normal?

27-04-15, 17:50
I woke up in the moddle of the night last night, and had been sleeping on my left arm. When I woke up, I couldn't move my hand at all for about a minute. Then my hand started getting tingly and I regained movement/feeling. I've had my hand fall asleep before, but this was different. I literally could not move my hand at all until the feeling came back. Is this normal?

27-04-15, 19:08

27-04-15, 19:17

Gary A
27-04-15, 19:17
Your nerves were compressed blocking the signal to the brain. The tingling you felt was the blood going to the affected area and the sensation returning. It's totally normal, absolutely nothing to worry about, and in fact happens to me at least once per week.

27-04-15, 21:49
My whole arm has done that many times. Not pleasant as it just flops around, but completely harmless!

27-04-15, 21:51
I've had this before too!!! The exact same thing I'm sure it's normal :hugs: don't worry about it :)

28-04-15, 00:49
Thanks for all the replies!!:)

28-04-15, 13:22
I get this all the time, I woke up once and couldn't feel both my arms, my neck and head sometimes feel numb if I have been sleeping funny.

It's scary but very normal.

I see a physio once a week to help with aches and problems with pinched nerves and he has told me several times it's just the nerves getting trapped.

Hope this helps