View Full Version : White toe

27-04-15, 17:52

As anyone experienced white digits? Randomly one toe next to my big one felt all cold and numb when i took my sock off it was pure white. Really scared the hell outta me. Anxiety through the roof now :((((

Thanks for reading x

28-04-15, 00:08
I never have, but my best friend used to have the exact same thing happen to her pinky toe and the one right next to it.

Her father was a doctor, and he knew about it, so if it was harmful she'd have had something done. He wasn't concerned.

However, if it's bothering you you can always ask your doc what he thinks. Pretty easy to just point to it and ask him if there's a problem (as opposed to many of the other frequent HA issues that are so very hard to explain).


28-04-15, 11:53
Hi thanks a lot for your reply. I did go to the gp and showed him a pic as it went away after a short time. He said that looks horredous...and then said it could be Raynauds but its weird to only get it in 1 digit which freaked me out :(( i think he was making fun of me tbh and didnt take it serious. He did check the pulses in my foot which i read is to check for blockages or something and he said they was ok. So im still unsure what happened but he wasnt concerned. Still doesnt reassue me though :( i hate living like this.

28-04-15, 21:47
I have Raynauds syndrome. Mostly it affects my big toes. They look white an even bluish if they get cold. I have had heart related tests done in the past and the doctor was not too concerned. Just keeping the feet warm helps. See if it gets better in summer. Mine does.

30-04-15, 23:08
Hi Kassie

Im sure i have it cos my lips go blue when im cold it doesnt really have to be like super cold either. Never had a white digit before although maybe noticed the end of my fingers look paler sometimes buy i thought i was imagining it. Anxiety does that to ya. So im wondering now if its all linked. I was freaked cos it was just 1 toe but you only get it in your big toes so its obviously possible.

Thanks for your reply x