View Full Version : Overthinking about eyes

27-04-15, 21:48
Oh dear I'm really in a state now thanks to my overthinking :'(

So I've had on my mind all afternoon worries about what if I go blind becuase of a disease or staring at my phone too long. And now I'm in bed if I move my eyes without moving my head it is painful, like I have a lump on the back of them. This sent my HA into over drive and I've over thought things so much I can now feel my eyes whenever I move them and it's making me shake because I've worked my myself up so much.

I just can stop thinking I'm going blind because my eyes are now dry, hurting from the inside and feel swollen and blurry. I think most of the symptoms are from my anxiety. But I just want someone to reply with advice or reassurance. It helps x100000 hearing from others.
Thankyou! X

27-04-15, 23:33
Now, why would you think you are in danger of going blind? As you suspect yourself, you are focussing on this totally irrationally and working yourself up into a state. If you constantly move your eyes to check that they 'feel right', you will be working the muscles that move them much more than they are used to and they will end up feeling sore and uncomfortable. Try to distract yourself with something else for a while - read, watch TV or listen to music - and let your eyes return to their normal activity level. If you can then get a good night's sleep, chances are your eyes will feel right as rain in the morning. Best wishes from Annie

28-04-15, 08:20
Thanks Annie, I feel much better now. As you said now I've had a good sleep they're fine :). Thankyou for your reply it really helped me x

28-04-15, 09:58
I'm glad you feel better. I "overthink" my eyes as well. In fact it was my first symptom of HA many years ago. I was convinced I was going blind. I went to an eye specialist and was assured that my eyes were very healthy. Years later it happened again and I went to an eye specialist again. In the last couple of years I have been to the optometrist countless times. I think he cries when he sees me sitting in the waiting room. I usually feel better after he tests my eyes and assures me that everything is as it should be. Usually. There were 2 occasions last year when I got him to refer me to an eye specialist because I was so sure he was missing something. 4 weeks ago I got him to refer me again. Once again, everthing was normal and for the last 4 weeks I haven't 'imagined' anything wrong with my eyes. Sorry about the rant but don't go down this road. It is financially, physically and psychologically unhealthy.