View Full Version : Can't go on benefits because my anxiety and depression are so bad.

28-04-15, 03:57
I finally went to see my dr about all of what I'm going through. She referred me to CMHT, prescribed me citalopram and wrote me a sick note thing for 12 weeks off work but I cannot. do. ANYTHING.

I've been mostly bed-ridden for the past year and in poverty and find it incredibly difficult to do anything at all to look after myself. I don't eat or drink enough, I go for weeks without washing / bathing or brushing my teeth or doing my laundry. My boyfriend has been making me meals and I tried yesterday to wash dishes but I had to stop as I felt my legs were going to give way and I was going to pass out. Whenever I do wash myself, being as my body isn't used to the physical activity, my muscles easily get pulled and walking can be difficult on my knees because they haven't been used in so long. I wrote all of this to the dr (including other things like sexual assault I had a few years ago I never got help for but have needed to) and she was very insistent that I apply for benefits but I broke down crying to the point I almost worried I freaked even her out.

The prospect of going to the JobCentre and go through all of that stuff again frightens me almost to the point that I'd rather stay here and rot than to go.
I wish I could sign myself into a mental health hospital and be taught how to look after myself again whilst I'm on this medication. I have absolutely no idea what to do.

28-04-15, 04:35
In Canada you would qualify for disability benefits around 700 dollars a month, not much but better than a kick in the head. And you would get assistance for prescriptions Medical and therapy are free too.

Some times it is an unfair world.

28-04-15, 06:27
Did you discuss this issue with your GP?

One possibility is advocacy:


I don't know much about it but you should be able to Google for ones in your area to see what they do and if they can help you to access benefits.

Its a common fear, I've heard it in charity walk-in groups. There are services to help you filling forms as well from what I remember but I don't think we advocacy groups, they mat have been separate agencies or the CAB.

I would also talk to the CMHT people about this as they deal with all sorts of mental health conditions and psychiatric illnesses so should be able to point you in the right direction.

Hang in there.

01-05-15, 13:59
Did you discuss this issue with your GP?

One possibility is advocacy:


I don't know much about it but you should be able to Google for ones in your area to see what they do and if they can help you to access benefits.

Its a common fear, I've heard it in charity walk-in groups. There are services to help you filling forms as well from what I remember but I don't think we advocacy groups, they mat have been separate agencies or the CAB.

I would also talk to the CMHT people about this as they deal with all sorts of mental health conditions and psychiatric illnesses so should be able to point you in the right direction.

Hang in there.

Thank you Terry! Your responses are always mega helpful! :hugs:

I think, I am going to brave it and go to the jobcentre and just try to do what I can from there. I've still not heard back from CMHT yet (no idea how long they "take" to do things at all) :S but I think for me at this point, I can't handle any more complication. My Dr is off sick too, so I can't go and see and talk to her about anything until I don't know when.

Last time I saw her, I said I was too scared because of my past experiences with the jobcentre (just general nerves and depression really) but also with MIND and Atos and the whole thing.. (I had a MIND person tell me to "get a life" and he insulted things in my bedroom that he picked up and rifled through, this was right after I was hospitalized for suicidal ideations and put on daily "care"/home visits! It scarred me a LOT).

She said that I don't need to worry about Atos yet and that when the time comes I'll have someone accompany me but I still get horrid nerves about what they'll be like and how they'll treat me. But I need, need to do something so I'll just somehow get myself down there, ugh.. I wish this whole process was less terrifying for us with mental health conditions.

01-05-15, 15:41
Sorry to hear what you are going through, I to have fears of dealing with bureaucracy and cheeky jobcentre staff who come out with bull s*"t which isn't even relevant . I have to worry about losing my temper which may be different to your fears but I do not like crowded public places especially when they are hot and stuffy.
Sometimes you have to push through these fears to get things done and I feel better when I have done so, but friends/counsellor still accuse me of avoidance but I am getting better at it and fear of confrontation.
People think you are doing fine but they don't now what is going in your head it can be a daily battle...

Take care

02-05-15, 06:42
Thank you Terry! Your responses are always mega helpful! :hugs:

I think, I am going to brave it and go to the jobcentre and just try to do what I can from there. I've still not heard back from CMHT yet (no idea how long they "take" to do things at all) :S but I think for me at this point, I can't handle any more complication. My Dr is off sick too, so I can't go and see and talk to her about anything until I don't know when.

Last time I saw her, I said I was too scared because of my past experiences with the jobcentre (just general nerves and depression really) but also with MIND and Atos and the whole thing.. (I had a MIND person tell me to "get a life" and he insulted things in my bedroom that he picked up and rifled through, this was right after I was hospitalized for suicidal ideations and put on daily "care"/home visits! It scarred me a LOT).

She said that I don't need to worry about Atos yet and that when the time comes I'll have someone accompany me but I still get horrid nerves about what they'll be like and how they'll treat me. But I need, need to do something so I'll just somehow get myself down there, ugh.. I wish this whole process was less terrifying for us with mental health conditions.

Glad something I said was useful!

I remember about that person from MIND. Honestly, that guy was an idiot and acted completely inappropriately. It would be hard to come across someone like that again.

The Jobcentre can be a bit tricky when you have anxiety. Remember that series, The Job Lot? I think that was a good parody.

I had a cousin who worked in there for years and he said most them hated the sight of the place because it was a worthless job and never seemed to do much good as the problems were too big for them to deal with, the government needed to deal with it.

In my local one I often say that the staff look far more depressed than anyone going in there!

ATOS have been sacked by the government now. Public opinion obviously made its mark and ATOS offered to leave the contract earlier and pay the government a penalty fee for it. Currently they are just keeping things going until the government bring in new providers.

Given all the media over this and how some people have gone to extremes measures, the charities & civil rights groups will be watching the government very closely over this so hopefully it will be better with the next bunch.

One massive reason never to vote Labour again for some people! :doh:

A charity co ordinator at a local mental health charity advised people in the walk-in groups to always appeal. He said the first asessment by ATOS was not a pleasant experience and he wasn't sure he could take the stress of the appeal. He did though and said the appeal was nothing like it as it was all common sense stuff and they actually listened to his circumstances.

After hearing things like this, I strongly believe that ATOS are there to kick everyone off if they can get away with it because those conning the system will not appeal. The trouble is, this puts those genuine through the mill and its much harder for someone with mental health issues as its a massive challenge just filling in the paperwork!

The co ordinator told us that the appeal paperwork is very simple compared to the ATOS one. Again, making me wonder about the whole "boot them all off and see if they appeal" thing.

02-05-15, 15:55
hey i was the same but covered all mine with drugs so i could do stuff, end result i was bed ridden signed of sick and fed a million drugs

- you can claim ESA which is employment and support allowance - this is basically benifits for people with sick notes the number is 0800 055 6688 they go threw some details then you send sick not off with them can get housing benifit/ council tax reductions aswell if needed .......... BEST BIT FOR YOU IS!!!!! YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO TOO THE JOB CENTRE!! EVERYTIME YOU GET A SICK NOTE YOU JUST SEND IT IN TOO THEM WITH A FREEPOST "

- poverty dragged me down more then ever - look up Christians Againest Poverty - there free group who gets you out of debt! they make all your debts manageable like pay 10 per fortnight - but if your ill and unable to work you maybe eligible too a DRO ( debt relief order ) its one off 90 free that go to court ( which doesnt require your attendance ) they decide well not well to work you owe X amount and if it reasonable why your ill then your debts will be wiped ! this doesnt have a major impact on credit as its not like declaring yourself bankrupt - you only have tell creditors about your dro for the first Year then its over ! my credit not been affected too badly either !

- Weakness is mind over matter - depression anxiety or whatever the case had huge psychological engery use ! the legs being weak be your mind working over time but also at the same time there no routine in place, i hope that you try this abit of advice at it did help me ( wasnt staight away but it helps ) sit in the garden for 20 mins a day even if you dont feel like getting out of bed, then go inside a relax try hour later to do something mentally distracting werther its playing a game or reading a book then somewere try fit a small walk into your day and each day start doing each more and more it hugely benifited me and at ffirst didnt see the point and laughed at that advice but also the advice that helped me out massively

- Try Vitiaums for engery and healthier body some good ones i use is
fish liver oil - great for ya heart and healthy for your mental health
B12 good for natural engery
finally maganesium/zinc alot people with depression and anxiety lack them!
if you do not want to take anti depressants the natural approach is grapefruit ! as he its sertione in it and this is usually the brain drug for happiness

- finally....

am sorry to hear you been sexual assaulted i have a mate who am very close too and you sound very similar to her :( alot of the advice she gave me was what ive put here, there is odd members on here who has experienced the same sadly but same time some are very closed too it, maybe opening upto someone and getting some the traumatic past will help ...... i suffer PTSD and for alot years has been the sub conscious cause for my depression ! i found facing some of it helps rather the burying it deep into the back of ur mind as it plays mind games

here a great forum to help you if you wish

hope some of this helps and hope you have a speedy recovery if you need anything feel free to pm me
i know life low and down now but sounds like you got a loving boyfriend now and i hope he keeps helping ya !