View Full Version : Bad scalding with boiling water (worried about going into shock)

28-04-15, 04:33
About two hours ago I spilt boiling water down my stomach and upper thigh, Ive been cooling it and its just gone red and is painful so I think its first degree (no blistering)

I did read about people with burns going into shock though, and as I'm having a bit of a panic all through this as you can imagine I'm worried about it moving from panic to being in shock. Is that even possible?

I'd guess the fact that I can type at least somewhat coherantly is a good sign, but is it something that I should be concerned about?

28-04-15, 04:48
Keep pouring cold water over it and youll be fine. Have done same thing myself. No probs.

28-04-15, 04:52
Thanks for the reply :)

I've been doing that the last few hours, most of the burn is cooled off but a little is still warm to touch, I imagine the stinging wont go away for some time though. Any other dos and don'ts? The urge to smother it in germolene is great lol.

28-04-15, 05:02
Maybe phone NHS direct. They can advise how to treat it. I wouldnt put any cream on it. Just keep it cold. Xxx