View Full Version : Really terrified. When to go to a doctor.

28-04-15, 13:32
So this I going to be TMI but I just went to the toilet and my stools were completely dark red/brown. Like a maroon type colour. I've had mild constipation for a few months now so am used to seeing some blood, but its normally bright red and a very small amount. This was darkish red and completely saturated so I really really panicking I've lost so much blood. There were some black bits too.
I had 250ml of beetroot juice yesterday but this was maroon and throughout the whole stool.
I also now have a lot of head pain and feel a bit light headed and like my head keeps getting floaty which may or may not be related I don't know.
What should I do? I'm abroad until Saturday please please help. Is this urgent should I do something now or wait?
I'm still a bit worried about liver failure or something from herbs I took two days ago and a possible blood clot in my leg where I hit it 13 days ago and it is still bruised in the spot and sometimes quite sore so I am just in all round constant panic which isn't helping
I'm just really scared :(

28-04-15, 14:14
I am sure it is the juice. I would bet my money on it.

If it happens again over the next few days when not drinking juice then go to the GP but for now put it down to the juice. Lay off it and I bet your stools go back to normal colour :)

28-04-15, 14:16
Beetroot has caused many a drs appt:) Tomato juice can turn you wee red as well. As has been said just keep an eye on future bm's and if the colour continues then make appt but I am sure that it will be one or two bm;s to get rid of the juice and then back to normal.

28-04-15, 16:55
I am sure it is the beetroot too. I had a similar panic from eating vegetable crisps. Before I had even read to the end of your post I was thinking I will ask if she has had beetroot.:)

28-04-15, 18:45
Thanks guys! I went swimming with my cousin to put my mind off it and have not died yet (as usual) so you're all probably right.
It's weird because I've learnt to do everything like normal this past year despite an underlying constant panic about dying and its so weird to almost be having a constant panic attack in my head while talking to people normally, excersing and being in a sauna of all things. I still kind of enjoy these things yet everything is laced with an underlying current of I'm gonna die soon and its so tiring

29-04-15, 10:16
I reckon it was the juice, too. Food can affect these things in ways you mightn't expect- blueberries can make stool green, for instance.

Obviously see your doctor if it hasn't cleared up within a week or so but I'm sure it will. Take care :)

29-04-15, 10:28
I reckon it was the juice, too. Food can affect these things in ways you mightn't expect- blueberries can make stool green, for instance.

Wow, I'll bear that one in mind! I could have my dog confusing a few dog wardens there, it would be like the Incredible Hulk's dog! :roflmao:

You'll be ok Alice as everyone has said. If you can carry on with things and not avoid them, thats a good sign you are on the recovery journey.

29-04-15, 14:06
Wow, I'll bear that one in mind! I could have my dog confusing a few dog wardens there, it would be like the Incredible Hulk's dog! :roflmao:

You'll be ok Alice as everyone has said. If you can carry on with things and not avoid them, thats a good sign you are on the recovery journey.

I hope so. Thank you.
I guess, I never avoided anything really. I just use the part of my brain where I should be enjoying the thing to panic about dying and scan my body and I hate it so much and cant see how to stop.
I guess its good that I'm not that bad though I should be grateful for that at least! :)