View Full Version : My stuff

28-04-15, 16:00
Hi all,

I'm a 33 year old female, no kids and I live with my partner in south east England.

I wanted to go over my situation and some of my worries with an impartial audience to try and gain some perspective, support and advice. I'll try and keep it as short as possible.

Anxiety and stress are never far from my mind and I have been up and down for a number of years. I worry about all sorts of things pretty much constantly. It feels like if it's not one thing it's the other and one I've resolved one thing, I just move onto something else.

I'm under my GP for anxiety and stress and on 100mg sertraline per day. I've had counseling and CBT but did not find either helpful.

I was recently off work sick for 3 months for anxiety and stress. I do a high stress job in the public sector. I have been back at work since Jan this year but it's been hard and I've just had the flu but could not take much time off due to the other sick leave, so it took a long time to recover (probably due to worry about my sick record also).

I split with my ex in June last year after having met someone else who I now live with. My last relationship probably did me wrote a bit of damage and I should have left him way before I did. My new partner is very supportive. He is quite a bit older than me which is something that does somewhat concern me in terms of the future, but he is so understanding and supportive and we are in love so I'm trying to put that to the back of my mind. What will be will be.

I have a house to sell from the last relationship which is on the market and causing me wrote a lot of stress. I am hoping it sells soon. My new partner and I have rented a house for now and luckily he is in a well paid job so we can afford it as well as the other house that is on the market. We hope to buy when we can.

My partner has a stressful job and long commute but he is looking for a new one and to change this and can manage in the meantime as it pays well and he is a positive person.

I wish I could be more relaxed about things and deal with things better. I have joined agym and started swimming daily but then I got the flu so had to stop but still be resuming this. I just want to stop latching onto negative thoughts and feeling so down and worried all the time.

Anyway there's probably a lot missing from my story but thought I would make a start to start a conversation and take it from there. I'm hoping this site will help.

Welcome any feedback or comments.


30-04-15, 23:01
Welcome to the site V.

A few things that have helped me are

Podcasts. I always used to listen to stuff about anxiety etc. But I started listening to off topic stuff instead and it worked for me a lot more. Your anxieties will always fill a void. I'm always listening to stuff that interests me or tickles me now and my mood improves as a result. It gives me a chance to forget anxieties and that's very healthy.

Fish oil. High dose EPA I believe has cleared my head a lot. I was always troubled by brain fog. I never get it now.

Well done for getting yourself back to work.

02-05-15, 16:18
Oosh, I'm interested in finding out how long before you notices an effect from the fish oil. What dose did you take?
Many thanks

02-05-15, 19:31
Oosh, I'm interested in finding out how long before you notices an effect from the fish oil. What dose did you take?
Many thanks

Honestly I'd be lying if I said I knew how long it took or even if I could say i was 100% certain it was the fish oil that was responsible. I definitely am brain fog free now though.
I take super omega capsules from myprotein. They have about 500mg EPA (the anti-inflammatory) in every capsule. I take four a day aiming for approx 2g EPA per day.

I've read articles on psychologytoday saying high doses of EPA reduce inflammatory cytokines (anxiety markers or something) by about 20% in the general population. It's supposed to mop up these things in the bloodstream.

I'm no expert. But you know what it's like. You just try things and listen to what you hear and draw your conclusions. I'm pretty cynical but have stuck with the high dose EPA.

02-05-15, 19:55
I have started Omega 3, vitamins B and D and magnesium and appreciate that I may not know which one benefits me! Going to do some research on Omega 3 though. Thanks for your reply