View Full Version : Award Ceremony Fear!!

23-01-07, 00:16
I am a student filmmaker and making films is my passion. the scariest part is the award ceremonies at w/e film festival i may be at. I sit in the audience and DREAD the announcement of what films won, DREAD the viewing of my own film and most of all DREAD the thought of having to go up on stage. This is something thta is becoming a huge problem. I feel like my head is swimming, i sweat like crazy, i get dizzy, my heart thumps insanely hard, and i start to feel like puking. My skin and muscles also twitch and feel like i need to explode into a full out sprint for my life. Please help me i'm scared to death but want to enjoy this- i should enjoy this...but this feeling is preventing me! HELP!!!!!

23-01-07, 18:15
Hi there and welcome aboard.

Have a good read of all the info on the website for good advice on coping...


You will meet some lovely people on here.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

23-01-07, 21:28
YOU SOUND SO LIKE DAWSON LEAREY! no on a serious note it sounds very much like you are suffering anxiety/panic attacks. deep breaths helps, focus on something else, it,s hard i know but all your energy his focusing on your "panic" and you really need to let the fear run it,s couse if you fight it makes things worse. I really hope you win an award at one of your cermonies, maybe get to see your work on the big screen. good luck,let us know how you are doing.:D