View Full Version : Heart racing after drinking alcohol

29-04-15, 08:21
When drinking alcohol I wake 3 hours after with my heart racing really fast. Has anyone else had this?

29-04-15, 08:30
Yes i have this...but it usually lasts the whole next day. I also get heart palpatations. It really scares me and i havent been drunk in over a year because i get so worried about this x

29-04-15, 08:33
Me too. I have lots of palps and it started properly after heart racing after drinking. I'm on beta blockers which help but this still happens after drinking but it's hard and fast however palps happen in runs lasting 10 seconds sometimes. We should try not to avoid things though we need to face it head on x

29-04-15, 11:56
my mates a full blown alcoholic he used to work for me and his breakfast was 4 super skol he would actually complete all jobs better than and more reliable than joe blogs unbelievable....anyway

I noticed his pulse in his neck the once it quite litt is permananently going about the speed of someone jogging and yet hes just standing there....

he doesn't care hes still here 6 years later

you noticing your pulse will only make it quicker

and most alcohols full of sugar so its going to race

29-04-15, 19:13
I never thought about the sugar content. Maybe if I drank different drinks it may be different? Thanks for that though x

30-04-15, 04:18
I never thought about the sugar content. Maybe if I drank different drinks it may be different? Thanks for that though x

Maybe not drinking at all would be beneficial. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

05-05-15, 21:27
This ocd has taken most of my life so I'm determined that it won't take any more. I don't drink much and infrequently but it's the only social life I have x

05-05-15, 21:37
I haven't drank alcohol this year and I'm determined to keep it that way, I know it will likely calm me down at the time but I get horrendous anxiety with a hangover and I know palpitations will kick in.

Some people can handle alcohol well and others it really can do a lot of damage, very quickly especially if you binge drink.

21-06-15, 22:39
Within hours or drinking alcohol, my heart is racing and it will be racing on and off the following day as well! In my opinion, alcohol is totally not worth all that.