View Full Version : why cant i stop worrying over this lump i have

29-04-15, 10:08
Im starting to feel hopeless its effecting my whole life i cant concentrate at work or on family life.

iv posted previously about a movable lump i have that sits on my rib where underwire of bra sits. Iv had 2 years had 2 ultrasounds nothing suspicious seen. Drs feel its a lipima. I still cant stop thinking they are wrong and could be sarcoma as online says can feel the same as a lipima can grow slow over many years.

iv had blooda taken all thats come bk is calcium levels low so now im in a coyrse of vitamin d. I worry as i have akot of back pain on my left side when i take deep breaths i keep thinking its all related to this lump.

any help please

Gary A
29-04-15, 10:56
I honestly don't know what else can be said to you. Going against any normal notion I'd have, perhaps you should go to your doctor and request a biopsy. I don't think you need it, clearly numerous doctors don't either, but you're not for hearing that at all so it may very well be your only option.

I can only reiterate the point that if it were something sinister you would know by now, it would have grown, you'd be pretty unwell, your ultrasound would have shown it up and at least one of the many doctors you've saw would have sent you for biopsy, but they haven't.

Either accept this or request a biopsy, constantly posting here about it is doing you no good whatsoever. If reassurance from a number of doctors isn't working, I don't see what anyone here can do to change that.

29-04-15, 11:56
I have requested a biopsy on numerous occasions and removal but they wont do it . Its really frustrating as surely if i want it done i should be able too.

i know many people probably dont understand y i am still worried wen its not changed but its my ha and at the min im awaiting cbt its hard.

Gary A
29-04-15, 12:21
If they're refusing to biopsy then what does that tell you? You honestly believe a doctor would risk their reputation by denying you a pretty standard procedure if they weren't absolutely cast iron 100% CERTAIN that there were absolutely nothing wrong with you? Doctors are highly trained to KNOW the difference between a harmless swelling and something that is even remotely possible of being suspicious. If there were even a tiny risk of it being something sinister then you'd have had a biopsy.

You aren't allowing yourself to accept rationality here, you're just saying "I know I'm being silly but it's my health anxiety." Ok, fine, well then try and defeat your health anxiety. Isn't that the objective? Isn't it a condition that should be fought against rather than accepted and justified? I understand it's tough and that you've got CBT coming up, that will help, but in the meantime you need to stop listening to that little voice and for goodness sake stop googling!

It is utterly IMPOSSIBLE for a cancerous tumour to be moveable and to remain in the same condition over a two year period. That is not how tumours work. They grow. Some grow quicker than others, but the point is that they all grow, they all change and they all advance.

If you had cancer for two years the chances are it would have matastisised to other areas and you'd be experiencing the symptoms of that as well. You aren't.

This quite categorically IS NOT CANCER. It is a harmless lump of nothingness that millions of people have and that doctors come across on a very very regular basis.

29-04-15, 15:03
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