View Full Version : Personal Life Story - BIG post... what are my options? I NEED help!!!

29-04-15, 10:18
Hello all :)

29-04-15, 10:24
Hiya rotunda and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-04-15, 01:13
Hey Rotunda, welcome to the site.

I should start off by saying one of my major problems is queuing and paying at tills, so chances are I would avoid you at all costs :)

I can only comment on agoraphobia and panic attacks, but number one thing is to stop all drugs immediately. Try going without the alcohol too. Changing my diet really helped me to clear my head, I found the rawer ingredients the better. And Mindfulness has been very helpful for me with putting my anxiety into better perspective, it helps you to break away from that autopilot mode where you feel your thoughts aren't doing you any favors, I really recommend it.

Remember that its the war you want to win so don't be too hard on yourself, it will probably take time. For my agoraphobia I had to start small, pat myself on the back for the new things I achieved and let it sink in that they were real achievements. Small things like joining a friend for a small walk, improving my sleep routine, exercise in the morning, limiting internet use to read more books. Every small thing I added I saw improved my life in some small way, and that made me feel better about myself. The better I felt about myself, the more motivated I felt to take control of my anxieties. Healthy body healthy mind has improved things for me, along with changing some of my indoor hobbies to healthier alternatives.

So start small, the size of your initial goals don't matter, but fighting back about negative urges and uncontrollable worry does. The above for me has made a difference, maybe it can for you too. I wish you the best of luck!