View Full Version : I'm trying to improve but...

29-04-15, 12:42
it's so very hard. I've relied on alcohol (massive amounts) to relieve my panic in the past until a few days ago the alcohol was making me so sick so I've practically cut my intake down to hardly anything but I'm finding it so hard to deal with the anxiety and also these extremely strange bodily feelings.
My muscle tension can become so intense that I feel like I can't even move my legs. I always feel like I'm holding myself together and that if I relax it would feel like I was falling apart. Other times I feel so light that I feel like I am dying, like I can't lift my arms or legs because they're so weak. Even my head goes funny and I knock things over or drop things because I'm so worried, weak and unfocused. I've been sleeping a lot the last few days, to try and recover, to try and go without alcohol, to try and rest my muscles and I've only been up a few hours and I'm feeling terrible enough to try and sleep again but I feel like I'm avoiding life. I seem to get every symptom, have at least one or two constantly until I get these times a couple of times a day where they all come at once and I find it hard to function. Is this normal? Is my body just recovering from the stress I've put it under or am I really sick? Am I just panicking... I have no clue :/

29-04-15, 13:09
I can relate to the muscle tension. And tiredness as we panics our fight & flight system sends adrenaline to the muscles. Hence the muscle feel so tight and weak after. I've just started a thread on muscle tension and ways to relieve & reduce it as it a massive part of my anxiety.