View Full Version : Right Temple Pain

30-04-15, 02:37

So for the last 2 days I've been having sporadic right temple pain. It comes for about a second or two, and it's relatively mild - on a scale from 1-10, it's about a 2 or so. I didn't notice it's conditioned by any behavior or something like that, since it comes randomly.

What could it be?

Already have I cancelled my run over it, using this as an excuse, because my stupid hypochondriac mind is telling me it might not be safe, because I might burst an aneurysm, and die on the running trail, or something like that.

Thanks, appreciate any kind of input.

30-04-15, 03:37
I am a hypochondriac as well and I had that temple pain on and off for a couple of months last year. You'll be fine. I've moved on to other diseases now but I remember it was disconcerting at the time.

30-04-15, 05:47
It's probably tension, I get this too.

If it was from an aneurysm it would be a very severe headache.

Best :)

30-04-15, 10:13
I get this alot from neck problems so if you have tense neck muscles for any reason then this can affect the nerves in your scalp. Ovbiously because of my neck damage my symptoms are on the extreme end of scale and I can get a feeling as if something with 100 legs is walking up and down my temple or face but again its just due to irritated nerves.

Any serious condition would produce bad pain etc . I would massaging the neck or using a heat pad to see if relaxing the neck muscles helps.

30-04-15, 10:20
When you clench your jaw the muscles around your temple will tense too. So, something muscular does make sense and neck issues can be in there with jaw & head as well as countrygirl said. I know when I had bruxism that it didn't affect my neck but some people have found it has.

You can also get referred pain from trauma or tension.

02-05-15, 15:12
Thanks, appreciate the reassuring replies. The pain was present for 2 more days, and now it's almost gone - it appears every once in a while, but on a scale from 1 - 10, it's like a 0.5 or so.

07-05-15, 03:46
I'm having the exact same thing. I totally relate to your post about not wanting to go and do anything because your hypochondriac mind is thinking irrational what ifs.

My pain is low as well, but it's so annoying. I would love to know what it is. I didn't have it for a few weeks now it's back again. Panadol didn't make much difference. Do you notice it gets worse during times of anxiety/panic? If I am already anxious I feel it so much more. Does it feel like someone is pressing their finger into your temple? That's the only way I've been able to describe it. But if somebody else has it it's a bit of a relief because I have hypochondria as well and went crazy for weeks when it first came on wondering why the right side, because it feels like tension but all I read is tension is both sides. Frustrating..

07-05-15, 03:49
Thanks, appreciate the reassuring replies. The pain was present for 2 more days, and now it's almost gone - it appears every once in a while, but on a scale from 1 - 10, it's like a 0.5 or so.

Seriously? I get a strong 1-2 just from being over 50!! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

07-05-15, 21:46
I get these too, have worried endlessly for a while with it.

But also get tension aches in my neck and head so I think it's a posture thing from using a computer so often, and I also have congested sinuses attributing to the issue.