View Full Version : Bug

30-04-15, 09:33
Twice I have got to level 14 and lost it when I hit new game accidentally. Maybe I shouldn't be playing at one thirty in the morning. But it might be that one of my friends (supposed to be) is being annoying today. The more I know of some people the more I like my cat.

Tomorrow is a new day. Come to think of it, it is tomorrow.

30-04-15, 09:38
Hiya Davit and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-04-15, 20:54
I've not played that game. It sounds addictive if you're playing at that time in the morning, I will give it a go.

I feel the same way about most people i know Dave, unfortunately.

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

My bad, i have played it, i cannot do it. Don't have the patience. Very frustrating :mad:

01-05-15, 05:23
Yeah, I gave up on that one. Its a bit annoying!

There are plenty of similiar maze & platform style games. Donkey Kong is on there somewhere.

01-05-15, 08:30
I wasn't on as long as it says, I left it running. It got a lot easier. It rained all day after starting out as snow.

I tried billiards but it isn't very good.

01-05-15, 08:59
The air hockey is difficult to control with a touchpad.

03-05-15, 08:23
God Davit, how did you crack Bug?!


03-05-15, 09:05
Some of the sets are purposely up side down. You have to concentrate on thinking backwards. The rest you have to move an egg to a safe place move an egg out of the way, and move the safe egg. 14 is the last hard one. After twenty they go back to just standard logic, no tricky bits. they just take time then. I could have kept going but I keep playing these games when I'm tired so quit before I run the curser off the page and lose the game. I've done that so many times, it is maddening.*You better run up island golf, I'm coming to get you. I like that game. I'm good at bank shots. Have to be if you want to get anywhere with bubble shooter. Right around 50,000 if you don't watch you can lose two colours and that is too soon. Disco bowling. I shut off the music, aim full power at the second pin on the left and swing right just as you hit it, gives you a strike very time. Boring LOL. And you are right about air hockey. Some games are PC and won't play on a mac. Some don't make sense. Billiards is missing something. But most are still fun. But Bug teaches you to think different than your logic says to. I think that is good to learn. Even if the game is annoying.

03-05-15, 12:23
You haven't slept at all Dave, you've been on here all night.

Get to bed :roflmao:

06-05-15, 03:50
I got 27 but got logged out when the site timed out on me. 28 looks beyond me.
Well it was fun. It certainly challenges every bit of logic. I'm getting bug eyed and anxious and should eat. A banana and a slice of pizza and one cup of tea twelve hours ago is pushing it. Now I better eat and do the dishes.

07-05-15, 09:53
Bored today and the morphine I took for pain put my muscles to sleep so I couldn't safely work. So back to the challenge. Again the site timed out and logged me out so my score wasn't recorded. It is impossible to move all the eggs fast enough to not get timed out and you can't leave the game to log back in or you lose the game, catch 22.
Anyway, I'm at 34 now. Completed 33. Believe it or not I like the challenge and there is no anxiety. On a rainy day I could get farther than this.

---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

Donkey kong is PC and won't run on my mac. A few games are like that.

07-05-15, 10:03
How long were you on it? I've played The Fisher for probably 4 hours without it timing me out.

07-05-15, 17:59
Possibly longer because It takes hours to move all those eggs around even if it seems I get to thirty pretty fast. I'm going to see if I can save the game and go back to the site, make sure I'm logged in and then return to the game but it has to wait. It is nice today and the garden beckons. Every one of the stages has safe areas to store an egg or more in while you move the others around and quite a few the solution is opposite to what logic calls for, But I see three dimensional so logic holds no law for me except when I am very tired. The games that call just for speed don't work for me because my hand can't move fast enough. I can get a hole in one on almost every link but can't seem to do it in one game. The ball changes direction after the ramps too. It is all just fun. Bubble and bauble are more my type of game. No speed needed.

08-05-15, 08:59
NMP timed out while I was playing so I saved the game, and logged in a new window. It saved the score this time.

08-05-15, 09:12
There will be no stopping you now!!! :yesyes::notworthy:

08-05-15, 09:24
It takes an hour and a half to get to 30 if there are no mistakes. Like bubble, it is mostly just putting in the time. Bug is more forgiving. With bubble a couple of mistakes and it is game over. I'll stick to bug.

11-05-15, 12:08
Some of these levels take over 500 moves if you don't make any mistakes. I make mistakes of course. It's a challenge.

11-05-15, 18:31
Playing last night it came to me that people probably are not aware of the difference between remembering and memorizing so I posted it in a new thread. Memory is how I got that far. There are well over 5000 moves to remember to get where I am. To get to 45 I have to do the other 44 first. I like a challenge that calls for more than just speed. Logic is important and there is that word again, "important". That is the tool for installing long term memory.

13-05-15, 21:01
I have discovers something about how the mind works when tired, I have used"bug" to test it's consistency and it shows very clearly that when I am tired I can not without some very tough concentration stop making the same wrong moves even though I know they are wrong. My mind keeps using what it knows even though it is wrong. Each puzzle has one or more safe docking spots to put an egg in while moving the others and the programer uses these by throwing in sucker bait so you will keep making the wrong moves so some of them you have to think very illogic to find the answer. I'm at 47 and it is getting very hard now. 46 has two dead end paths. 45 has only one, but it is good. It is getting harder because there are more than six eggs to keep track of one has 40. One level has over 700 moves. This is where clumping has to be used. Putting the board into sections of not more than six when possible so you aren't trying to keep track of every egg. So you think If I move this section what happens. Some times you have to move an egg, pass through and put it back. The mind doesn't want to accept that as logic. Even the lower levels will teach you to break habits and change thought patterns. The other games reinforce consistency. This can be a bad thing. I think consistency increases OCD habits. Now if you could become obsessed with thinking positive that would be a good thing.

13-05-15, 21:43
The mind doesn't want to accept that as logic. Even the lower levels will teach you to break habits and change thought patterns. The other games reinforce consistency. This can be a bad thing. I think consistency increases OCD habits.

Interesting and i agree. I am not very good at that game but i think it is because i lack patience. Something i need to work on.

700 moves in one level, no wonder you are getting tired. I don't think your score will be broken, how many levels is there to the game?

13-05-15, 22:06
Supposed to be a hundred but although the number of eggs has increased there are only so many possible solution to only so many possible problems so all they can do is increase the number of moves in an attempt to confuse. Which happens easy when I'm tired. I'm setting it aside till a rainy day. If some one does catch me it will probably be a woman and probably not one with a big stick on her shoulder. I doubt any one has the patience or the time to make thousands of moves. Bubble is like that too.

15-05-15, 19:08
As I went through the levels I was looking at the number of moves. Level 40 has 804. that is right and lots have over 300 and over 500. And if you accidentally put an egg in the wrong place you start that level over again. No way to undo a move. That would make it too easy I guess. It certainly is not something you want to do if you have anything else you can do instead. It does challenge your ability to think other than habit, which is damn hard to do when tired. We go into auto pilot. And that doesn't work. 46 takes a lot of shuffling to get a path you can use. And the obvious solution is wrong 47 is the same. In 47 you have to move an egg to the one safe spot and then shuffle the rest so they are the same but without that egg. 48 is the same, something draws me to a safe box that appears to be but isn't. I figure this level is upside down or backwards too. Lots of them the solution is backward to what logic says. I'm building new logic I wonder if it will have applications out side this game. There is no way a person could stay awake long enough to get to level 100 I doubt I'll get past where I am. A shame really because I really do like the challenge. I looked for it on the internet so I could down load it and then there would be no time out concern. It is becoming a love hate thing lol.

15-05-15, 19:52
You've done really well at it and hats off to your perseverance. I think you hate to love it. Or love to hate it. Either way it must be bugging you.


15-05-15, 20:57
It really is. But only because by the time I get through the first 47 levels I am bug eyed also every second game at this stage uses a different logic so you can't use it with the level you are on. I've opened it in another window to see how long it stays up before timing out. If I could have 15 minutes I could clear the logic from the previous level and start fresh. The score is wrong, I finished 47, 48 is very simple but I couldn't switch off the logic I was using so couldn't come at it at a different angle. Doesn't this sound like mind chatter, unwanted thoughts over and over with no key to stop it. I can go through 40 levels fast because I use memory instead of logic so there is no confusion. It takes a bit to remember 40 levels. What is amazing is as I go through them with memory it comes to me with each one the thought, "why could I not see that". How many times have I said that in real life. There is a pattern here in more than just this game. I don't think it is core beliefs but a close cousin that dictates we don't stray too far from our control centre.This would be hippocampus. I got this far only by being good at straying. Is this cognitive restructuring, this straying. If so I can understand why it is so hard to do and even accept if Hippocampus is saying we don't like change. I override it because I do like change and I like random except when it doesn't belong and even then I have to decide if not belonging is okay. Like asparagus in the onions. So this silly game may lead to another cognitive skill. So far so good, it hasn't timed out.

15-05-15, 21:00
If so I can understand why it is so hard to do and even accept if Hippocampus is saying we don't like change. I override it because I do like change and I like random except when it doesn't belong and even then I have to decide if not belonging is okay. Like asparagus in the onions. So this silly game may lead to another cognitive skill. So far so good, it hasn't timed out.


Very interesting indeed.

15-05-15, 21:22
Well not being able to change is a big factor with recovery. Goes right along with "I'm going to do it my way" or "I tried but even though I changed things it still didn't work".

20-05-15, 17:21
Well yesterday was my last bug day, I reached my goal of 50, not 51. It takes me almost four hours to make the moves to get to 47 which I do out of memory. Then it took two hours each to crack the next three. But 50 was my goal and 50 is where I stay. It was fun and is the only game I really like. Pity a person can't choose their level

20-05-15, 17:48
So that's the end of Bug for you, well done on reaching level 50. That takes some going.

20-05-15, 18:34
It was bordering on obsession. I like to finish what I start. Anyway the fact I have to go through 50 levels which can take better than four hours makes it not worth doing.
Tim stopped in to borrow tools, we pulled the tractor but the starter is still stuck so I parked it.
I'll use the other tractor. Life goes on. We usually put everything out may 24th.

20-05-15, 18:37
I really want to beat my cascade score, i just need to be in the right frame of mind and i'm not tonight.

Not to sound too stupid but
We usually put everything out may 24th. ?

20-05-15, 18:49
Usually I have a green house full of started plants and flowers But lost a lot of stuff to a virus called damp off. My cantaloupe suffered the worst. I have around 200 flowers I bought still in my car. I will till the garden one more time and then take the tiller off and put on my hiller to make raised beds. The diesel is wider so I'll make them wide apart and make one in between by hand with a hoe. Last year I did them all with a hoe. Going to be 23C or hotter.

20-05-15, 21:34
It looks that way Dave, need yourself a few fans, could be reaching 26 by the looks of it.

---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Says you got to 51 in the highscores?

achieved in the game Bug the best score
Highscore: 51

20-05-15, 22:15
51 is where I got to but didn't complete it. It is wrong.

20-05-15, 22:16
Well done on your honesty, i probably would have claimed it.


21-05-15, 20:26
I found it on line, and you can choose your level, but it won't open.

01-07-15, 06:41
A message for the old boys club. If you think you are so much smarter than me take my high score and keep it because personally I don't think you can, It takes a lot of time and determination to do research on the internet, Prove to me your smarter and more capable than me. Prove to me that if I go you can take over and go to the net for the answers people want. This isn't a challenge, just a request. I already know the answer. I'm not an idiot, I'm good at what I do, every thing I do gets the same determination and time. This game actually takes a lot of that. It is a good cognitive game, it teaches you how to change thought patterns. It teaches logic too and patience.

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

This isn't aimed at those already supplying information. I know they will keep helping.