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View Full Version : Book swap

23-01-07, 11:08
I've recently recovered from GAD and would like to pass on a book that helped me a lot and has some very useful info-it's called "Beat Panic and Anxiety" by John Illman, and was written last year. I would much rather pass it on to someone on here as opposed to selling it on Amazon. I would not be asking for any money for it, but I would leave my contact details on the Books forum so that any members could contact me via hotmail and I could arrange for them to pay the postage outside the forum.
I wanted to ask your permission before posting as I wasn't sure whether it would be allowed.
Many thanks
Sarah :)

23-01-07, 11:21
hi sarah
thats really nice of you im sure someone could use it,

take care

denise :D:D

23-01-07, 12:49
Hi Sarah I think the book swap sounds like a real good Idea, As I found the more books you read the better, I have tried just about every treatment over the years and I think books have helped me the most, I am not a book reader really but self help books I find if I read a little each night before going to sleep had really helped me, Even if you only pick up one or two good tips from each book its well worth it considering how cheap books can be and how expensive different treatments are. Well I have a few books on self help around the house still and will look them up and see if you or anyone ells is interested. Off course if that is ok With Nicola. Take care. Vernon

23-01-07, 18:13
Hi Sarah and Vern

That is great - thanks for the offer.

When you say post on the Books forum did you mean on here?

We did used to have a book swap section but it wasn't that popular so I removed it.

Feel free to offer it here though and I am sure someone will want it.


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People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel