View Full Version : One symptom goes, another takes its place

30-04-15, 10:04
I am coming to terms with suffering from health anxiety and wondered whether this was a common theme for other people too? I tend to focus on "symptoms" and as soon as I feel like ive got rid of one, another one takes its place and my focus.

I am currently having therapy to try and overcome this (£70 a session - ouch!!) but wondered if anyone else had similar experiences?

30-04-15, 10:10
all the time its part of HA. That's exepensive for therapy how often do you have a session ?

30-04-15, 10:21
I see a psychologist every 2 weeks. She has been great for other issues Ive had in the past and have just restarted my sessions to try and address the health anxiety and more importantly the underlying cause in my life that's causing the health anxiety

30-04-15, 10:29
Yes. Then you do deals with yourself eg "if I can just get over this headache and find out it is not a brain tumour then I'm going to live my life and not thinking about my health anymore"

30-04-15, 10:52
YES exactly! Mine is so bad that I need to see scan results and x-rays before I will believe it and the doctor is always reluctant to perform them. I get annoyed at myself that I am like this and start telling myself if I hadnt smoked, if i'd exercised more or not eaten crap this wouldn't be happening, its a vicious circle of low self esteem and self loathing that feeds it

30-04-15, 11:06
I'm not so sure about that. I once asked my psychiatrist if he thought I had low self-esteem and he said not a bit. The psych manuals will put many things down to low self-esteem though.