View Full Version : needing a hug just now

01-05-15, 06:27
I have had chronic anxiety for 30 years I am now getting so tired of getting through each day,I get up in the morning feeling light headed and nauseous 24/7,I still manage to go out food shopping but feel as if I am floating around the store,I have to force myself to take my dog out,I have ringing in my ears constantly also,I have had all the different medication and every form of treatment there is but nothing has helped,there is no help out there,I am totally fed up with this unseen condition.

02-05-15, 10:57
I can definately relate to feeling like that, struggling through things feeling strange and having to force myself to do things.

Pets can be a great comfort though and I'm sure he/she very much appreciates the effort you go to. They can sense our moods and I think they help us in their own special way.


05-05-15, 07:27
This morning the light headiness is so bad I can barely stand up.the doctors aren't interested ,I am so tired of this,sorry this is a bit negative but it really is bad,the question is do I carry on like this? not sure right now that's how I feel.

05-05-15, 12:04
Can your GP refer you for therapy to see if that helps with symptom control? I know mine intensifies if I focus on it.

Is it medication causing it?

Has anything ever eased it or taken it off, even temporarily?

I hope it eases up soon for you :hugs::bighug1:

06-05-15, 07:01
Morning MyNameIsTerry and thank you for your replies,I have had anxiety for 30 years and you think I would have learnt how it operates by now,I do have clear spells sometimes for a week and sometimes for 2/3 months but each time it returns it seems worse,when the anxiety goes so does the light headiness,so I have all the amswer's but it still makes no difference,enjoy your day my friend

06-05-15, 08:54
Hi fighter,

I just noticed you asking to change your username. I recall Venusbluejeans commented how to do that on a thread not long ago on that same board, it should still be there. I think NoPoet raised it (he used to be PsychoPoet). I thought I would mentioned this as the admins seem to not be responding much the last couple of weeks but they are picking up anything sent to them via the contact function.

I think we forget what its like. I remember sitting in charity walk-in meetings saying how I can't truly remember how bad I felt in the worst periods and a few others agree. So, when it comes back it hits hard. Even now after a few years working on recovery it can still hit me pretty hard but not nearly as much as before.

Sometimes changing your reaction can help with this. Its not easy though.

Have a good day mate.

06-05-15, 23:41
Fighter...I like your name. I too am celebrating 30 years of my own anxiety career this December. Try to hang in there...the better days will come again.

07-05-15, 06:32
Thank you both much appreciated my friends,its the mornings when I wake and get up which seem the worse,but they probably aren't,yesterday from 12pm everything was hunky dory,this morning when I got out of bed wham,got up took took my furry friend and companion out for her walk,came back,put the rubbish bags out,had a shave(trying to keep busy and carry on as normal(what ever that is)when out with my camera yesterday but shaking and wobbly so much had a job to take a decent photo,but will keep trying.have a good day

Ps.You would think after carrying my friend (anxiety)around for 30 years you would think I should be used to it by now(LOL) Oh and don't forget the ringing in my ears constantly.

07-05-15, 08:39
I often think the same fighter,that I should be used to it. I think though that we never really do. We may get used to its patterns, especially when we are going through a bad spell, or at least I do. I myself am going through one at the moment triggered by environmental factors beyond my control.A story for another thread though.

Dogs are such wonderful companions aren't they. We have two and there's nothing like a dog's love, totally unconditional. You hang in there and know you're not alone :)

07-05-15, 11:40
Thanks fishman65 your comments are appreciated my friend,they say that you shouldn;t fight it but accept it,that's what I feel is totally illogical,you shouldn't measure it,just accept it:)

08-05-15, 05:29
Yeah, I always had a lot of trouble with that myself (and still do with some things).

There is a lot in anxiety disorders which seems the opposite of how we should think or what we should do. The thing is, we are supposed to run away from that bear or stab it with a spear, yet withh a disorder we have to give it a big hug instead!

08-05-15, 08:07
Totally agree with that sentiment. Its not easy to 'embrace' fear, if it was then this website would be rendered obsolete :shrug:

13-05-15, 05:42
Every morning when I first awake and get out of bed i have the same feeling for about a few seconds that I am falling and that sets me off for the rest of the day.does anyone else experience this.,but I am still here living proof that you can live with anxiety,some days I feel like just laying in bed and giving up,but I never do,I am trying to accept anxiety,believe it or not I do on occasions have times when it goes away,enjoy your day and take care my friends

13-05-15, 07:51
I don't have that one but if I have dreams that raise my anxiety and then wake up, it does tend to leave me more anxious for a long time during that day.

Have a good day.