View Full Version : So Tired

01-05-15, 06:29
I have had chronic anxiety for 30 years I am now getting so tired of getting through each day,I get up in the morning feeling light headed and nauseous 24/7,I still manage to go out food shopping but feel as if I am floating around the store,I have to force myself to take my dog out,I have ringing in my ears constantly also,I have had all the different medication and every form of treatment there is but nothing has helped,there is no help out there,I am totally fed up with this unseen condition.

01-05-15, 08:16
im feeling a bit like this today as well. its really hard. I hate waking up early and thinking I have the whole day to get through x

silver blaze
01-05-15, 09:46
Is anyone housebound because of the anxiety, and lives alone I too hate waking up to face yet another long long lonely lonely day

01-05-15, 09:53
I'm not housebound but I can understand a little bit about it as both times I've started an antidepressant it has made my anxiety far worse and I wouldn't got out for months. Its nothing on a par with agoraphobia though as once I started getting out bit by bit it did get a lot easier.

I have OCD and it got so bad that I literally did the same things at the same times everyday. It was crushing and meant a lot of depression.

It must be really hard being housebound, I hope you can overcome it.

01-05-15, 09:55
no im not house bound either. my home used to be my safe haven but then i started to have panic at home so its certain people I cling to now instead.

01-05-15, 14:36
I am virtually housebound unless I have someone to take me out. The days are so long - especially now it's light in the evenings too. I sleep through most of them

silver blaze
01-05-15, 18:37
It's so good to hear someone say they don't like the lighter nights