View Full Version : new scared member

23-01-07, 12:24
hi , i have suffered with gad for about 10 years and occasioal panick attacks it runs in the family , about 4 years ago i was put on seroxat whitch didnt help much and was terrible to come off really bad withdrawl thought that was it but after a few months of hell things started to get better , and just before christmas i had a major panick attack just sat watching tv one night and out of the blue it just came on lasted about 2 hours and since then ive been suffering everyday with realy bad anxiety feeling i could have a panick attack at any minuite ive been too gp and ended up in a & e thinking i was going tp die , gp wanted me to take celitropram i took one tablet and an hour later thought i was dying i coudlnt breath waves of intense fear coming over me ended up at hospital to be told everythings fine , my kids wondering what the hell is wrong with me , thank god ive got an understanding partner and family , went back to gp who prescribed diazopam 2mg to take if feeling panick attack coming on until i go to see mental health nurse on wednesdayi wish i had gone years ago instead of letting it get this bad .hope that wasnt too long its just ive never really spoke much about this feel a bit stupid talking to non sufferers they might think im a bit mad , i cant seem to make any frienda as i get panicky talking to people aswell ,im just glad i found this website . deb xx

23-01-07, 12:28
hi deb
welcome to the forum
you,ll get lots of great advice here!
take care
rach x

23-01-07, 13:08

You will receive lots of advice and help here.
I have found the people here very supportive and lovely

Helen xxx

23-01-07, 13:18
Hi Deb,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

23-01-07, 13:30
A big welcome to the site :D

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-01-07, 13:39
hiya, i too went to hospital after taking a tablet, with exactly the same symptoms as you. dont worry, they are only signs of anxiety. i also had diazapam for when i could feel one coming. your not stupid at all, talking about it helps you understand what it is, if you feel like you want to talk, feel free to p.m. me anytime

take care
libbie x

Ma Larkin
23-01-07, 13:42
Hi Deb, welcome to NMP. Your story is so similar to a lot of us on here. One thing a lot of us found is that when we started taking medication, it made us feel worse before it made us feel better. My medication took at least 6 weeks before I felt the benefit. I also ended up at the hospital on numerous occasions because I was so cinvinced it was a heart attack or something a lot more serious than panic. All my tests came back fine.

You'll meet some great people on here who will understand what you are going through and be able to give you some great and meaningful advice to reassure you.

Take care.

Les, xx

23-01-07, 18:07
Hi Deb

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

23-01-07, 18:08
Hi Deb
And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D

Take a look at the first step pages also Deb you may find them of interest.
First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

23-01-07, 18:25
Hi hope you are feeling abit better today! I had panic attacks about 3 months ago. The worse thing to do is worry about having another attack as this just makes life alot worse. Learn not to fear the attacks as they can not harm you keep telling yourself that. It does work

23-01-07, 21:11
Hello deb,s good to have you here, do,nt worry we are all here for each other.

23-01-07, 22:19

24-01-07, 00:12
Hiya Deb

I totally understand how you felt taking your first tablet, i felt just like you. After trying so many i gave in then got a new doctor and she convinced me to try cipramil again, i didnt want to but where else could i turn, i took it slow and it worked second time round for me. I have 5 mg of diazepam aswell before i started these tablets. I am not saying they are the ones that will work for you but ive tried loads and if you are really struggling there will be one out there that will help you. Before i suffered i took paracetamol but as soon as i suffered with anxiety i read every side affect and convinced myself i had them, hence why for three years wouldnot take a pain killer but i learnt that all those side affects cant happen to me. Thats why i think so many tablets i tried didnt work because i didnt give them a chance. If we had something like cancer would we question the drugs, i doubt it but our depression and anxiety makes us so more vunerable.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

24-01-07, 08:58
Hi Welcome to the Forum. It's good that you've seen your GP and you'll get support from the mental health team. Take all the support that's on offer and if that involves taking medication then so be it. Diazepam is a great emergency medication. Don't feel silly talking to people about it, you'll be surprised how many people you do share with have been touched by depression and/or anxiety.

Keep in touch.

Love JO x

24-01-07, 12:14
Welcome. You've come to a great place for friendly help and advice.

Linda xx

24-01-07, 14:09

A big welcome to the site...great advise n support here..x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

24-01-07, 21:40
hi deb since my first panic attack the best thing ever was this website the same happend to me but ive stuck with the citalopram i also take diazepam you will find some lovely people here to talk to take care and a BIG hug ...catherine

26-01-07, 22:30



27-01-07, 09:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'