View Full Version : worried

01-05-15, 13:47
hi i know i keep going on about this but iv been ok for the past 2weeks but today all my pains have come back in terrified.
don't know how long i can carry on

Gary A
01-05-15, 14:49

01-05-15, 15:07
under an side of my breast the doc has told me its muscular but i had it for about 2 months then it seemed to fade! Now its come bk?

01-05-15, 15:16
If it's muscular and it's come back, then something must be triggering it again. I have recurring pain/muscular issues, so you're not alone there.

01-05-15, 15:24
i know but i don't know what nothings happened to trigger it off! I thought i was getting better then this pain puts me bk down again?