View Full Version : Had to leave cinema

01-05-15, 15:51
I was in the cinema earlier today and had an anxiety attack. I had to leave my friends and come home. I told them that I just felt really ill but now I feel so angry at myself for letting that happen. I can't believe I just let it get the best of me and I left. So embarrassing!!

01-05-15, 22:28
Hey, be more understanding with yourself. Those situations are scary and you removed yourself. You feared staying would have been worse, and that makes sense. That's what a lot of people would have done. I would have and have many times.

You can visualise the scenario now for next time and picture a different outcome. You could be prepared if you feel like that again, close your eyes, focus on things that create more positive emotions, remember reasons to feel confidence, get your mind off it. Then feel that confidence afterwards knowing you're in control.

But if you do feel uncomfortable and would like to step out and relax a bit, that's ok too. Whatever you choose to do is absolutely fine.

01-05-15, 22:34
I always felt that way after an attack. The anger did help to send me looking for a cure.

01-05-15, 23:28
Oscar1, if it helps; I had a Panic Attack at the Cinema, but next time I went, I was ok. :)

26-05-15, 04:50
I had this happen last week. I love when this happens! It gives me a chance to be put in the ring with my anxiety. Not to say I try to fight it (in fact quite the opposite) but It gives me an opportunity to see how anxiety is all bark. When I get this feeling, I lay all my weapons down and let it take me. I say "do your worst" and eventually it leaves after I let it do its thing. I win another battle and it builds my confidence. Next time this happens to you, let it happen. Challenge it to do its worst and you will see nothing will happen. You may feel like its you are in danger but rest assured it's all part of the act! You were never in any real danger..