View Full Version : Happiest Memory

01-05-15, 21:15
Share your happiest memory/memories!

I've been through some bad times in my life, as everyone probably has but i feel very blessed that i have so many happy memories. I'm only 24 so many more to come, we tend to dwell on the negative, I wanted to start a thread of positives :D It could be anything from a birth, marriage, a certain day, night or something you're proud of

One of my happiest memories would be when i was a child, my dad would take me and my sister on a bike ride in the summer. We covered some distance following the bike track, we'd stop for a picnic and to dip our feet in the water. We had so much fun and were so care free. My dad always did his best to entertain us.

Christmas in my house was always great, my dad would spend all night setting everything up downstairs, he'd be waiting in the living room for when me and my sister came down, when we opened the door he would take a picture of our faces when we saw the presents, he did this every Christmas and i have all the photo's.

Looking forward to hearing some happy memories..

01-05-15, 21:39
It isn't so much a memory as a time. I lived in a tiny cabin on Lake athabasca with a dog team for company. In summer I went to work in the next inlet unloading barges. It was about a mile by boat. No power, no running water, no worries. No shortage of money, and in perfect health. I ate a lot of fish and enjoyed trout stuffed with bread and egg stuffing.
Sitting in a canoe in the evening watching the fish jump. I was in my twenties.

01-05-15, 21:44
Sounds wonderful Dave.

'No power, no running water, no worries.' :yesyes:

I've just google image searched, looks like a very nice place, scenic.

01-05-15, 22:17
It was an unbelievably peaceful life. I chose it, I could have lived in town with all the amenities. I would do it again, I sort of am now but have power and running water and more bills.

02-05-15, 00:41
This is a lovely idea for a thread. This forum could definitely use some more positivity :)

Both of your memories sound wonderful. Reading your recollection of Christmas time really resonated with me, Sam. Christmas has always been a wonderful time in my house and, not surprisingly, my favourite time of the year. As a child, every Christmas my dad would spend the morning sitting in the backyard blowing bubbles for me to chase. This is one of my favourite memories. It is something we still do some Christmases when we remember.

Somewhat similar to you, Davit, one of my favourite times was when I was living in a remote village as a volunteer overseas. No running water, no showers, no electricity, no worries. A fantastic time in my life.

A couple of others are the day my sister was born, and the day I met my partner. Those were the best two days of my life thus far :)

02-05-15, 06:21
Love the cabin, Davit. I've always had dreams about living remote like that, the simple life, nature and true survival and none of the modern world's baggage. I envy people that do it in my country and grow everything to live of.

I think connecting with nature is very important as it grounds us. I've lived a materialistic corporate suit lifestyle...its just stress and no soul.

I think my fond memories are of going on holidays by train or car with my parents as a young lad. I have others when I was younger than this where I went shopping with my mum and then around either of my grandparents houses to deliver the goods.

02-05-15, 07:01
Chantelle lives in a bus with a large addition, she owns the general store, till a few years ago she made butter and milked cows, raised pigs has a huge garden and grows the best garlic. She has chickens and sells eggs. Here you have to sell un pasteurized milk as dog food lol. She is well adjusted, never had a panic attack. Even when she broke her leg skiing out side the corridor and had to be found. She adopted two twins from a third world country after her kids were grown. They are in high school now. Before the store she was a tree planter for extra money. You have to plant a thousand trees a day to make any money. Before her separation she lived in a geodesic dome.

The life is peaceful and the lack of constant stress allows a person to work very long hours when the need is there.

Unloading barges up to 16 hours a day so they could have a fast turn around was stressful, but then I got in my boat and went home to my rustic cabin, where it was peaceful. (with it's carpet, finished inside walls, maple bed and oak cabinets and the cleanest drinking water) Thick walls and well insulated, cool in summer, warm in winter.

The industrial revolution changed all that. People used to live closer to the land. Some still do here, we just have computers and cell phones. And power now. I gave up using horses 20 years ago and bought a tractor.

Can you imagine here in places there are less than five people per square mile. There are more cows than people.

My dad was a steam engineer, (hogger). I remember riding the train and him counting poles with his watch and calculating how fast we were going. And week end car rides.

But nothing compares to life in that cabin for peace. Back when gas was 36 cents a gallon and five dollars an hour was a good wage. (40 years ago)

02-05-15, 08:40
Looking back on work, one of the happiest of my work memories was when I was bout 15-16 helping my dad on the weekends with some of his gardening work. Riding around on mowers, and doing some good hard work. I slept very well after it and mentally I felt great for it.

I'm not sure I can say that about much of my adult working life. There were good times, I don't think there were many like that and if there were, it was because of my friends of the time who were involved.

02-05-15, 11:28
There are so many happy memories I had as a child.
Too many to mention.
In recent years the best happy memory is the phone call I had one morning
to say that my daughter had given birth, after much heartache.:weep:
It really happened!!!:D What joyxx

02-05-15, 12:28
I really enjoy reading these, i love happy memories. I have album after album of photographs from my childhood from birth right up to now and i want to keep filling them so i can look back on it all.

I also have a memory box( a shoe box) i decorated and put some objects and photo's in. I did this when i was 16, my dad always say's i am old for my age.
I've got in there the clips of mine and my sisters umbilical cords, the hospital wrist bands from our birth with the time, date and weight on. Some memories from holidays to Wales and Scarborough, shells from beaches, birthday cards and photo's.

02-05-15, 15:54
I have these too Sam. Also many diaries. In fact my house is bursting at the seams.
I am currently doing a book for my Gran daughter from my birth. with photos I am finding it a bit difficult though. I am to be given a family history of my Mums family that goes back to the 16 hundreds. My nephew has done this by going to a class and on line. I shall be fascinated by this.

02-05-15, 16:08
That sounds great, would really like to do this. It's definitely something i'll be looking at soon, it really will be fascinating :)

02-05-15, 16:23
My two happiest memories are when me and my bf were sitting in the blue lagoon in Iceland and we were just chilling and talking and I was just so happy and content. Can't wait to go back next year.

My other happiest memory is when we got our cats, Rambo and Nibbler. They are my life and they bring me so much joy.

04-05-15, 18:00
taking my daughter to see the chuckle brothers last month and seeing two 70 year old blokes have 1300 people in stitches barry doing push ups in a tutu

04-05-15, 19:29

---------- Post added at 19:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:02 ----------

Another one of mine would have to be holding my niece for the first time. She was tiny at 5pound 6 ounces and light as a feather. Such a well behaved baby wish she stayed that way she's now 10 going on 25 :roflmao: