View Full Version : Eyelid twitch, but not a twitch?

02-05-15, 10:10
Hi everyone, I'm a long time reader of help forums but first time poster..

I was just wanting some advice.. It started 2 weeks ago where I was feeling generally tired and run down and my lower right eyelid started twitching, which I understand is usually normal as I get random twitches all the time, though about 5 days ago now every time I press my lips or pout or kiss etc my lower eyelid now slowly contracts and kind of moves sideways like it is trying to twitch but can't and gives my eye kind of a fullness feeling.

I do suffer from anxiety and I know what usual twitches are like but this just feels different.

Thanyou for any advice in advance :)

02-05-15, 10:44
Hi there,

I don't get this exactly, but when I'm tired my lips will twitch/quiver if I press them together firmly.

Maybe they're both sort of the same thing? Our faces have lots of nerves etc in them. I really doubt it's anything to worry about though- the pressure is probably just triggering a reflex in your face.

Take care :)

03-05-15, 07:46
I hope so.. I just hope my eyelid will stop contracting when i press my lips

04-05-15, 01:15
You're the first person I've come across who has this as well as me! Welcome to the club!

So for the last year or so, whenever I contract the left corner of my mouth, my left upper eyelid twitches/buzzes. It's the same kind of feeling you described. If I place my finger over the area I can feel the eyelid buzzing.

Just to reassure you, I've had every test going and nothing is wrong with me. It's been just put down as one of those things that happens, and it will probably go away eventually. :)

13-05-15, 19:36
have had this for 3 months,doing my head in,very stressfull

13-05-15, 22:14
My right upper eyelid has been twitching crazily for the last few weeks... I feel your pain lol

27-09-16, 22:59
Hi, I'm having this problem at the moment. My eye twitches when I pucker my lips or move my mouth in any way.. did you find out what caused this for you?