View Full Version : Work struggles and GAD

02-05-15, 12:53
Hi everyone

I've suffered with anxiety and depression for years and unfortunately going through a really rough patch at the moment. I had everything under control for years but my life has started to unravel again. I have suffered with health anxiety/OCD and depression in the past but the doctor is now saying I probably have GAD and the anxiety has sort of shifted focus away from my health (that's one good thing at least). Has anyone else here shifted from specific phobias and anxiety disorders to GAD?

I've been back on sertraline for 2 weeks now but am really struggling with morning anxiety, getting to work and then staying together at work. The smallest bit of pressure results in me panicking and bursting into tears in front of everyone. This has been the pattern for some time now and it's feeding the anxiety :/ I'm panicking over getting all my work done and constantly worrying that I'm under-performing and burdening everyone :(

I'm going to be posting on here more often to help me get through it and start mending myself. It helps to get it all out and to be part of this supportive community that has helped me so much in the past :) I'm going to keep going with work but I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders in my role and I have a huge project coming up so I think I'll keep writing little updates on here and be more active on here in general to help me through it.

Moonie xxx

02-05-15, 19:47
I've probably shifted from social anxiety to more general anxiety yeh. Anything that presses my significant buttons can set my neurotic side off. I have to really put effort into calming myself down. It's not really focused on social anxiety anymore though really.

Great posters on here. I'm sure you'll get lots of support.

05-05-15, 12:21
:) Thanks Oosh

05-05-15, 22:33
Hey moonlight,

When I'm not obsessing about something specific I am generally desperately holding on to the state of neutrality but with a feeling of imminent doom. Usually within a few days I latch on to some Anxiety which makes my life hell for a few days or weeks just to move on to something new.

The part about struggling to keep it together at work sound very familiar. What helps me is to take breaks and speak to my wife or just take a walk outside. Remember that people around you are not seeing what's going on with you and that you're not being judged. You don't want to know how many people around you are dealing with anxiety and depression themselves. I know it sounds hard, but try not to take life to seriously and remember that there will be better times. Take one day at a time.