View Full Version : Potassium sorbate

02-05-15, 13:02
Could anyone tell me potassium sorbate in e juice etc for smoking, will that up the level of your potassium in your blood test. Also cocodamol 30/500. Ive been trying to find out online. Hoping someone on here knows

03-05-15, 04:22
In theory because potassium is used by neurotransmitters and codeine puts them to sleep you would not use as much, but it would not increase it's absorption.

Potassium sorbate is a preservative, I would think there is not much in E juice.

03-05-15, 07:44
Straight away now, im thinking then there must be a big problem and "what if" the levels dont go down. There must be an underlying problem and im going to die from this

03-05-15, 09:16
No you won't die from it. Lots of water and stay away from potassium rich foods. If it comes down to it you will probably be given a potassium wasting diuretic to get rid of it. I'm the opposite, I'm low some times. So I have to eat a banana a day, or take the time to make apple pie. I don't like bananas. I do like potatoes and I grow cantaloupe.

Hey that stress you are giving yourself is using potassium.

03-05-15, 09:41
Im a complete mess. Wont get up, want to sleep. Etc etc. Ive really lost it at the moment. All my bloods were fine apart from this one thing. Im not eating at all at the moment. So the panic attacks and stress will lower my potassium. ive not been like this for years

03-05-15, 10:06
Well it does creep up on you. Since I've been on this site I never get to bed till after 2 in the morning, Lack of sleep is making my life tough and I'm not eating properly, Between this and starting gardening I don't have the time. But it doesn't bother me mentally. What are you taking pain pills for? I have arthritis that is in remission but there is so much damage. Physically life is tough.

03-05-15, 10:14
Im on escitrilapram, amytriptoline. diazapam when needed. Doc said none of these will affect it. Ranatadine and cocodamol for backnpain and headaches. Take at least 4 x 30/500 cocodamol a day