View Full Version : Nothing found what is going on

02-05-15, 14:00
Hello everyone

I would lime start by saying thank you reading my post.

I have been ill for the past 4 months now, what seemed to be a cold in December of 2014 had now ended up into this.

My current symptoms are loss of appettie my face gets burning hot if I touch it pr I get stressed happens on my for head and cheeks to the point that my head feels like it is going to explode.

Complete blood count x4
Thyroid test X2
Liver function test x4
Mri of complete spine
5 chest X rays
1 ecg
Colonoscopy and endoscopy still waiting biopsy results but nothing seen. But waiting for biopsy.

Still have dihorea on and off face flush can happen anytime feels like my face is on fire. No appetitie and getting worse
I am 28 years of age but all my test are clear there must be something being missed. I read the Internet which is silly but Dr yes have done what they need to but am no better then when I started

This must be cancer yes silly but what else can it be :-(

I have run out of ideas of what to do

Gary A
02-05-15, 16:28
All your tests are clear, yet your conclusion is that it must be cancer?

Sorry, but I just don't understand that logic at all. Cancer would stand out like a sore thumb with the amount of testing you've had.

02-05-15, 16:56
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. Based on the numerous tests, you don't have cancer.

Positive thoughts

03-05-15, 01:32
Hey Ant,

Sorry to hear you're going through this rough time. As Gary and FMP have said, you have had multiple tests and all have come back clear, which is a pretty excellent indication that you do not have cancer. I cannot tell you exactly what is going on for you, because I am not a doctor.

However, I do know that anxiety can exacerbate and even cause physical symptoms. That doesn't mean that the symptoms are not real, they are absolutely real, it just means that anxiety can make them worse, or even keep making them appear after the initial condition that caused them has been fixed.

Have you been offered any support such as counselling or psychological therapy during this time? Even if there is another condition present that tests haven't picked up, counselling and psychological support can be extremely helpful for coping with this uncertainty, stress and associated anxiety. I think it would be worth asking your doctor to refer you to see someone for that type of support in the meantime :)

05-05-15, 23:22
Hi Thank you for all you reply