View Full Version : feel very ill scared of pneumonia

02-05-15, 15:19
I haven't been well for a week and abit had a temp with no other symtoms accept tiredness.
Then Thursday I started getting green mucus I thought it was a sinus infection starting because I got a headache too I had my nails done a spray tan and couldn't breath all a sudden I believed I was allergic to the spray tan but I was fine the next day until around 11.30 I got sharp stabbing pain in ribs and chest I freaked out abit then by 3.00 I had severe pain like bruised swollen pain in chest and windpipe even when I touched my skin it was very painful I couldn't cough and felt I was clogged up with mucus chest /throat a little sneezing and more sleep today I wake up woth just my windpipe feeling bruised but also had a heart rate of about 50 all day Im snotty and coughing up a lot but Dizzy feel like im a feather I feel that light and sharp pains in ribs and chest randomly and it's like been stabbed could this be pneumonia or could it just be a common cold im freaking out so much

02-05-15, 16:14
I've had pneumonia and from my own experience, the pneumonia itself wasn't painful, it was the cracked ribs I got from execessive coughing that was painful. I cracked my ribs about 2 days after being diagnosed with pneumonia.

What you describe sounds like muscle pain from coughing, tension (you will be tensing your chest and back muscles from anxiety probably without realising it) and maybe from the virus. I would make an appointment with your GP asap just to get seen to, maybe it is a bacterial infection and you might require antibiotics. My pneumonia was caused by a virus but I was given antibiotics just to make sure I didn't catch anything else when I was run down. I don't think you have pneumonia, when I had it, I didn't have the energy to sit up, let alone type a message. I had a throat infection first which moved into a chest infection/pneumonia within a few days so I was quite ill.

It does sound like just a common cold/flu but would call up NHS24 if you get any worse over the weekend and if you are still worried, call your GP on Monday.

Hope you feel better soon