View Full Version : Shooting pain from abdomen to chest and arms...

02-05-15, 16:54
Just trying to get a nap and was laid on my side....just started to doze and got a pain in my stomach that shot up through my chest and into my arms.
It was quite brief but woke me with the pain and left my arms a little numb for a half a minute.
Also my heart was thumping hard immediately after and I went rather hot.

Anyone else get this?
I'm hoping it was just a myoclonic twitch and muscle spasm but can't help thinking it was some cardiac symptom.

05-05-15, 13:45
Hi Daniele,

I had a similar thing the other day- I was eating and felt a sharp pain in my stomach, which I also felt in my forearm, but it didn't radiate! Really weird!

I'm guessing it's to do with some nerve/musculoskeletal issues I'm having atm, which is probably more likely for you than cardiac causation, especially given how healthy you are (based on your posts that I've read).

Feeling hot afterwards was probably an anxiety response, I often feel hot/flushed when a wave of anxiety hits me.

Maybe see your gp if it happens regularly- it could be reflux/wind etc.

Take care :)

11-05-15, 11:09
Thank you Emily :)

Gary A
11-05-15, 13:07
Sounds like a rush caused by the fight or flight response to me. In this scenario, blood leaves the areas that it's not needed, like your stomach, and rushes to areas like your biceps.

The fight or flight mode does this naturally, as if you were in a fight or flight situation, you'd need your arms and legs a lot more than you'd need your digestive system. The fact you felt warm and your heart was racing would also be a good indicator that this is what you felt.

It's a really common thing to happen with anxiety, as the fight or flight response is on high alert and can be triggered by pretty much anything, even your subconscious.

If it continues then see your doctor, but I feel that's what's happened here.

11-05-15, 14:11
Thanks Gary
Thankfully it hasnt happened since but, as with most things, it had me on edge at the time to post on here.
Not something i've experienced before but I've had anxiety and panic on and off for a long time.