View Full Version : Lymph Nodes Question/Rant Advice Much Appreciated!

02-05-15, 21:23
Hello, I am an 18 year old relatively healthy male. I am studying in my last year of college, go to the gym, work at the weekends, socialise ext. Although I do smoke around 5 ciggarettes a day.

Around a month and a half ago I had a nasty sore throat and was coughing up alot of phlegm. I felt 3 lumps in my neck and for the first time in my life worried excesively and began googling my symptoms which automatically exacberated anxiety (this is all very new for me!). I saw not one, but two doctors at the time who said that they are reactive lymph nodes due to a throat infection and told me not to worry.*

Fast forward to today and I can still feel two lymph nodes. My anxiety levels have fallen dramatically and I am googling much less. However at the back of my mind I still have a little bit of worry and I sometimes relapse and ask Dr Google whats wrong with me.

I just wanted another opinion on wheter I'm being a hypochondriac or if I should seek further medical attention.

One last point, the nodes are moveable and are a little larger than a pea to give a rough estimate of size.

Thanks so much for reading through my rather long rant and I look forward to reading your replies, hope it can reassure me because if these lumps affect my A level grades I'll never forgive myself! Really hope this is me just being irational :).

All the best, Jordan.

Gary A
02-05-15, 21:30
They're probably just normal nodes that we all have, but since your attention has been drawn to them you can feel them now. We all have prominent nodes, especially in the neck and groin area. A tumour in a node would be solid, painless, and would stand out very prominently compared to other smaller nodes.

If you're worried then see your doctor, but I genuinely don't think you have anything to be afraid of.

02-05-15, 21:35
Thanks ever so much for replying so quickly, 99% of the time i forget they are even there its just so weird as Ive never really worried about my health before even though I had reacurring seizures throughout puperty! Strange how powerful these thoughts can be though but I think I'll manage to overcome them.
Take care! :)