View Full Version : tongue anxiety, insomnia, stress related

02-05-15, 22:09
hi iv been suffering with quite bad insomnia for at least 10 years now and one thing iv noticed Is i get a feeling in my tongue, its like a tingling or tugging feeling, like my brain is telling me that my tongue is gonna fall down my throat (which I know is a complete impossibility) but the signals of it happening in my brain just wont turn off, its anxiety, insomnia related,
sometimes its ok I can deal with it, other times it stops me from breathing through my mouth and I find myself unnessarly breathing just through my nose with my mouth closed all the time.

This is also impacting on my sleep because if I have a blocked nose it means I have to breathe through my mouth and I cant breath through my mouth for more than say half a minute until it becomes uncomfortable for me.

can anyone relate to this problem ? id love to hear for anyone who can understand what iv been going through for quite some time now and any advice would help .