View Full Version : Hair loss!!

02-05-15, 23:28
Hi everyone, I've been losing handfuls of hair over this last 4 months since my anxiety and panic attacks has flared up. I'm not sure if it's from the stress that caused my anxiety or from the Lexapro that I'm now on. Has anyone else had this? I'm scared I'm going to lose all my hair! I've never had my hair fall out this bad before. Any comments would be great as this is now adding to my anxiety. Thanks. Leah.

03-05-15, 01:42
Leah. It is more than likely the stress and Anxiety.
There's a few of us on here that have had this; including me.
It will settle down and sometimes come back in times of severe stress.
I was losing about 50-100 hairs a day and mainly from the top of the head.
While you are like this, try not to brush your hair too frequently and use your fingertips gently to style. Hope this helps you. :)

03-05-15, 08:40
Hi Carnation, thank you for your response. It means a lot. It's amazing how much hair keeps dropping out. I'll be gentle with it and try to not obsess over it. It's hard though isn't it when handfuls keep coming out. Hopefully it will settle down soon. Did you find any vitamins that helped at all or just time and being patient? Thanks again, Leah.