View Full Version : white patch on side of tongue

03-05-15, 12:17
I'm almost 17 I don't smoke I don't drink much alcohol at all and I few weeks ago I noticed a white patch on the side of my tongue. It looks like 8 tiny white spots to form one white patch when you look at it. I went to a doctor (who is a very good doctor) and he said its nothing to worry about and its fine. But then I googled what it could be which was cancer and then I started to get very edgy and worried. What could the patch be? It is a little painful btw.:scared15:

20-06-15, 19:17
I had a white patch on my tongue and also on the side of my cheeks .
It was nothing more than a form of rash that if it was anywhere other than my mouth would have been red .
If I remember correctly it was called lichen planees. ( maybe spelt wrong) but if you google it you will see that it's nothing to worry about .
If you are concerned then get it checked out and most symptoms you put in Google always find the worse .
Hope this helps Shaun