View Full Version : How fast can the heart go?

03-05-15, 21:03
So last month, I took a short city break. My doctor has prescribed me 2mg of Diazepam, just to calm my nerves at times when I most need it! So I took a Diazepam 30minutes to an hour before my flight, and I felt fine with no anxiety at all, I'm not a nervous flyer at all!
But as the plane went full throttle, to get into the air I literally thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest, I've never felt it faster!
And on the way home it happened again!

Is it normal for this to happen? Could I have a heart attack or cardiac arrest if my heart goes crazy fast?

I should note that after a few minutes, I was absolutely fine and heart was sort of back to normal!

03-05-15, 21:20
240bpm is about the maximum.

I'm pretty sure yours was nowhere near that though.

I've had times when I've thought my pulse was 200bpm then measured it correctly and it's been much lower.

05-05-15, 10:31
if you dont have any problems with you heart. no matter how fast it will
go you wont die or have any issues. tachycardia due to anxiety is normal.

05-05-15, 12:46
The fastest bpm that has been measured without being conducted to be such a speed is 300+. This has only occurred a few times in medical literature.

However, it's normal for your heart to beat fast with anxiety. I often think mine is racing and then I measure it and it's only around 120! But your heart can beat much faster for a long period of time without it causing trouble. You only need to worry if it's been in constant tachycardia for a really extended period of time- having bursts of it won't harm you whatsoever in the absence of structural abnormalities.

I hope this helps :) all the best.

10-05-15, 22:03
Will Walker Olympic cyclist had a heart rate over 400bpm with super ventricular tachycardia.

He was deemed fit to race!!! And did so!

European medics thought otherwise but think on..your heart is not likely doing 400bpm and that guys heart didn't explode at that speed either.

10-05-15, 22:30
My partners heartbeat went to 360bpm, he also has super ventricular tachycardia.