View Full Version : Things you had before HA but HA made you more aware

03-05-15, 21:27
Anyone else have this? I was thinking about it today and there were certain things I've had for a few years now I never thought twice about until my health anxiety started acting up. I've had purple spider veins as they call them on my feet for a few years now despite being active. Also a few on my legs. My mom
has these as well so I guess it runs in my family, thanks Mom! :D Never thought twice about them never even cared, but now with my health anxiety they make me worry about my liver because of other changes in my body. I've also always had a cracked tongue and dry mouth. I've had this for about 5 years at least now. The dentist said its because I have GERD. Of course I now worry if it could be something more serious despite having it for years. I've also always bruised easily because I have fair skin but now of days anytime I bruise I worry I could have liver damage or cancer. They'd all I can think of for now but I know there is more. Once I think of it I'll edit my post. So what about you?

03-05-15, 22:05
I know exactly how you feel everything becomes a worried right??? Its hard I'm going through the same thing everyday about different things I have a bit of q fleanmy chest worried its serious now ..... Try not too stress