View Full Version : Home alone and realising I'm scared

03-05-15, 21:52
So tonight I've had a bit of a revelation..

I suffer from various anxieties, one being fear of abandonment.

It's something I know I've had since being a child, where I would be afraid of not being around my Mum.

Skip to modern day and I have an increasing issue with my boyfriend being away from me, even just on a night out or meeting friends in the day.

I know it's unfair on him so I try not to make it cloud my judgement when he wants to go out, but sometimes I just can't help it and get anxious/angry/emotional.

Anyway.. tonight he wanted to go for a few beers and I actually felt like I wanted an evening on my own, so didn't make a fuss.

But now I'm home-alone, in the flat, in the evening (rarely happens) I've realised my my overwhelming emotion isn't anxiety over where he is, if he's having a too much fun without me (etc), it's actually fear. I'm actually scared of being on my own here.

Every noise I hear is making me jump. I'm worried that people are snooping around the garden, that the guy who lives above us is going to try break in, even that there are ghosts (I feel so silly saying that..!)

So.. I guess I wanted to share this revelation! Do any of you out there feel the same? How do you cope and did you ever work out why you feel this way?

Thanks :)

03-05-15, 23:03
You are looking for the dangers. So far you've pictured -
A snooper in the garden
Bloke upstairs breaking in

Focus on happier things.
What do you enjoy
What makes you laugh
What can you use the free time and peace and quiet for
Do what you enjoy !
Watch programmes your bf hates while he has gone
Put your crappy music he hates on loud
Eat chocolate
Have a bath
Find something to laugh at
Snoopers are losers
Bloke upstairs is probably scared you'll break in
Ghosts aren't real

03-05-15, 23:07
:) Thank you